Chapter 2

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Lisette's POV:

"WERE MOVING TO PARIS " we all screamed togather , gosh i always wanted to move to paris i just thought my mom would freak out because paris is so far away. We all ran and hugged our moms i kept thinking in my mind was this really happening are we seriously moving to paris. 

"hey lets go pick out the houses and then we can start packing" vanessa said and we nodded and went up to her room. 

"what time should i get the flight tickets " jazzy asked us.

"erm what times is there " vanessa asked.

"there is one at 8:15 in the morning and one at 5 in the after noon". jazzy said.

"lets get the one at five , because i cant wake up that early " i said.

"kaay so we still have time to pack , we can start today or tomorrow". vanessa said.

"kaay then its settled , were going tomorrow hey but what about our furniture " i said.

"well that house might already have furniture , but if it doesnt well have to buy new ones". jazzy said.

"okay" was all i said.

Jazzy's POV:

We bought the tickets already and we were heading home to pack well vanessa was giving us a ride home since we went with her car.

I was beyond excited to move to paris especially we can do what ever we want now without asking permission from our parents. Our flight left tomorrow so i think ill start packing today so i wont waste my time tomorrow. We got to my house and i got out of the car before i went inside i told them something.

"pack everything you need today so we can go out tomorrow" i said to lisette and vanessa.

"will do bye jazzy text me in the morning when your going to come so we can go" vanessa said. 

"okay i will , and lisette ill pick you up too okay " i said to lisette. 

"kaay bye jazzy". lisette said , and they left i walked into my house and no one was home , well mom was still at vanessa's house and im asuming my dad took my brother to foot ball practice. 

I went up to my room and started looking for my suitcase , i found it and started packing everything in my drawers.

Vanessa's POV:

I dropped of both the girls but there parents were still chatting at my place with my mom , i walked up to my room and found my baby blue suitcase , i started of with my jeans , then shorts and went all the way to my shoes.

I didnt have that much clothes but i still needed to put everything in my room there , i made sure i had my earphones and phone charger.

1 hour later 

I was finally done packing and my suitcase was heavy i thought i should call the girls to see what they been up to like with the houses and stuff.

(V= vanessa , L=lisette)

V- hey lisette 

L- hey vanessa , so is there something you want 

V- nope just thought id call and check how the houses are giong 

L- oh well i found a couple ill send them to you soon

V- oh okay so did you pack already 

L- yea im almost done , i cant get this to zip up

V- alright i wont bother you send me the pics yea

L- yea i will kaay bye

V- bye 

I hung up and then my phone made this sound and it meant i got a text , i checked the four pics lisette sent me i really like the third one , it was two story it had five bedrooms three upstairs and two downstairs. I texted her saying i like the third one and she said she likes that one too and so does jazzy.

It was getting late so i thought i should get some sleep because we have a flight tomorrow i opened my bed and got in five minutes thinking about paris i was out. 


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