Chapter 8

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Nialls POV:

I was just at the hospital sitting by Vanessa ugh I want her to wake up it's been another week and this is like the 4 week she's been asleep I hope it doesn't last any longer I can't take it anymore

I am officially loosing faith now I've never seen someone sleep this long wait a minute what if she's dead ....nah she can't be the monitor is still on ...duhh stupid Niall I thought to myself.

I might as well just go home I've Ben waiting for four weeks and still nothing.

I sighed and got up I took a glance at her one last time and let a tear escape my eye and then walked out.

I was really angry at the moment I honestly didn't even know who I am I just want everything to go back to the way it was.

I was soo frustrated I didn't know what to do so I kinda just socked the wall with my fist causing it to start bleeding.

I walked out to my car and decided to just drive home.

Jazzys POV:

We were hanging at the guys house and are house was right next door.

We were just sitting and doing absolutely nothing it's never the Same without Vanessa I miss her so much.

Just thinking about her brought tears in my eyes then everyone kinda noticed I was crying.

"Jazzy are you okay " lisette said but it just made me cry more.

"Jazzy what's happening babe " Harry said in a depressed voice.

"It's just Vanessa she can't stay like this forever I miss her so much " I sighed putting my head on Harry's shoulder.

"I promise you everything is going to be okay " Harry said running small circles on my back.

It got quiet for a good minute and then the door burst open to see a angry looking Niall come in.

"Niall what happened " Liam said.

"None of your fuckin BUISNESS " he nearly screamed.

"He's trying to help you " lisette spat back.

"Hey little bitch how about you stay out of this " Niall screamed in lisettes face.

"You called my girl a bitch Niall say it one more fuckin time " Louis said backing lisette up.

"GUYS THATS FUCKIN ENOUGH " I screamed as long as I could.

"Look guys I'm sorry for everything lisette I'm really sorry I don't know where that came from I was just mad that Vanessa hasn't woke up yet I'm starting to loose faith " Niall explained

Louis POV ;

Everything hasn't been going good for all of us these couple of days but mostly for Niall he's taking it too far I think he needs to stop thinking too much.

I was so close to beating the shit out of him but then jazzy kinda broke us up and he said sorry for everything.

I mean yea I would have been the same way if that happened to the girl I'm so in love with (lisette).

Harry ,Liam ,and jazzy took Niall outside to clam down and me , zayn and lisette were just sitting here.

Vanessa's POV:

I'm still in this white room and I have no where else to go I'm honestly tired of being here I wish I was back with my friends.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I really miss the guys even if I was a complete bitch to them I am going to change that.

2 hours later ~

Lisette's POV :

Zayn left to sleep because it was kinda getting alittle late and the guys had rehearsals tomorrow. And it was just me and Louis here downstairs.

"Hey babe you wanna know something" Louis told me holding my hand.

"What is it " I said back

"You know I love you very very very much " Louis said which made me turn a deep shade of pink.

"I love you more " I told him blushing

"Not as much as this ..." Louis said leaning in and so did I.

Our lips touched and moved togather slowly soon I got ontop of him and started kissing him even harder it turned into a make out session.

Nialls POV:

I was laying down in my bed just thinking about Vanessa ugh I miss her so much.

My phone started ringing hmm who would this be at the night time I answered it.

"Hello ..." I said

"Hey is this mr Horan "

"Um yes who is this "

" I'm a doctor from the hospital "

"Yes how can I help you "

"We'll sir I have been calling to tell you good news about Vanessa " once he said that I was super excited.

"Really ? What is it "

"The good news is......"


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