Chapter 6

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Vanessa's POV:

Someone pushed me to the ground and i heard niall calling my name but next thing i know i was on the floor my vision became blurry , i felt myself getting unconsious and the last thing i heard were the sirens and then i was out. 

Niall's POV:

The fans were all over me and thats when i realized i lost vanessa , oh no this is bad. There were soo much girls i couldnt find her so i called her name.

"vanessa " i screamed , but she didnt answer , i kept calling ger name but still no answer. 

I walked past the crwod of girls and then thats when my heart dropped, vanessa past out on the floor, damm these girls are so fuckin grouchy. I got my phone out and called paul so he can take these girls away. Soon paul came and got rid of all the girls finally there gone i can do something about vanessa now. 

I called the cops and an ambulance , they were on thier way over here. Moments later the ambulance showed up and lifted vanessa up and took her inside the ambulance.

"sir you cant come in unless your her family member or her boyfriend " the police officer said. 

"i am her boyfriend please i need to be by her side " i lied so i can go in. I mean yea she was a bitch to me but i wanted to be there for her when she needs me. 

10 minutes later ~ 

We arrived at the hospital , they took her into im guessing a room to check on her but this time they didnt let me in so i had to wait in the waiting room. 

Louis POV:

I was out with the guys and girls besides niall and vanessa. Niall texted me earlier saying that there going to get coffee then come with us back here. All of a sudden my phone started ringing ...i checked the caller ID and the name read niall.

"hello" i said throught the phone. 

"louis you have to come to the hospital right now " niall said in a panic.

"WHAT ! niall what happened " i nearly screamed getting wierd stares from people walking by. 

"its vanessa , we were going to get coffee then come to you guys then the fans crowded us and i lost her through the crowd she got knocked out to the floor but then i found her passed out and now im in the waiting room at the hospital". Niall said in one breathe. 

"okay ni , calm down were coming right now " i said and hung up. 

"louis what happened " liam asked. 

"vanessa got knocked to the floor by some fans and passed out shes in the hospital " 

"oh my gosh lets go right now " lisette screamed. 

We hopped in the car and we were off to the hospital where niall & vanessa were. 

Lisette's POV:

Niall called louis and said that vanessa been knocked out by the fans and has passed out on the floor so niall took her to the hospital and now there at the hospital at first i thought this was some kind of joke but louis had a serious face on so he couldnt be lieing. 

"oh my gosh lets go right now " i screamed afraid of losing my best friend. 

We all went inside the car and drove straight to the hosptal , i was soo scared of what might happen to her but i felt much more safer when louis was comforting me. I cant believe im saying this but starting to grow feelings for louis i mean who wouldnt hes really sweet and caring. 

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