Chapter 5

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Jazzy's POV:

ahh we were going to dinner with the worlds biggest boy band they are so hot we love them well me and lisette do but vanessa dont give two fucks for them she hates them like with a capital H. 

I was actually happy that we were spending our first day in paris with five hot guys. We got into a cab and the boys went with there car , they offered for us to come with thier car but vanessa's bitch ass didnt want to go with there car. 

She kept complaining that she wants to go home and that shes only going for the food because nandos was her favorite place to eat. 

10 minutes later 

Vanessa's POV:

Fuck i dont want to go with these fuckin spoiled brats ugh i hate them , dont get me wrong i think there cute and shit but they fuckin think there the shit (sorry babes just a story). 

I was in the cab sitting looking out the window i really just wanted to have a lazy day but there had to be food , i love food as much as my car. Moments later we got there and we got there before the boys and they still havnt came yet.

Soon the boys were here and we were all sitting at the table but i felt like throwing up , i dont want to hang out with them , i just wanted to come here with my friends but they ruined it.

"we didnt get your guys names " the curly asked.

"im lisette " 

"im jazzlyn but you can call me jazzy"

I just stayed silent not even bothering to look at them , looking down at my phone playing a game.

"and thats vanessa " lisette said for me.

"are you guys here to visit " niall asked.

"are you fuckin stupid did you not here me say we just moved in" i spat at him.

"vanessa calm down" jazzy said.

"well thats what he gets for being so stupid" i said back. 

"whats wrong with her " i heard liam whisper to louis.

"give us one moment please" lisette said dragging me to the bathroom .

"whats wrong with you vanessa come on" 

"what i dont like them " 

"well your going to go apoligize right now " 

"when did you become my mother " 

"vanessa now " lisette demanded.

"fine mom" I said and walked out everyone was staring at me and i sat next to liam.

"guys im sorry for being a bitch i promise ill try to stop" i said to the boys.

"its okay vanessa but why do you hate us " louis asked hurt.

"okay heres the truth , i think you guys are spoiled brats who get alot of money and everything you guys want and you have ton of girls after you and ugh i juss dont like you guys " i said looking at thier hurt faces.

"wow thats deep". niall said.

"you guys wanted to know and i told you so stop complaining" i said to the boys.

"okay thats enough vanessa be nice lets get food". jazzy said.

"finally" me and niall said at the same time.

"hey food is my thing " niall whined.

"no its my thing no one can beat me in eating" i said back.

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