Chapter 4

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Vanessa's POV:

Once we were on the plane it was beyond boring all you could here was kids crying and running around in the plane i mean dont these parents know how to teach them right it was soo annoying.

I couldnt last another minute listening to the stupid kids running and screaming and crying as well , i plugged my earphones to my phone and listened to my music. Moments later i was out in my seat with my music still playing.

Lisette's POV:

Me and jazzy were sitting next to each other and vanessa was in front of us i saw that she was slowley falling asleep and now im going to pull a prank on her once she falls asleep. 

"aye when vanessa falls asleep , im going to write i love 1D on her forhead " i told jazzy.

"no lisette shes going to kill you , she hates one direction " 

"its okay jazzy i just want to see her face when she looks in the mirror".

"ugh fine but i wasnt involved in it " 

I dug through my purse till i found a marker i didnt want to be that mean so i did it with expo so it would come of i walked up to the empty seat next to her and slowely bought the marker up to her forhead , i got the I down but she stirred after she calmed down i got down the rest and soon her forhead said I <3 1D. I let a tiny giggle to cause her to wake up.

"what - whats so funny " vanessa said.

"oh nothing , you just got a little something on your face"

"really ugh ill be back ". she said going to the restroom once she left me and jazzy broke into a fit of laughter.

Vanessa's POV:

Lisette told me i had something on my face so i went to the bathroom to check what it is , once i saw what it said i cracked my knuckels oh she is so dead watch im going to get her back for this, ]

I walked out to see her laughing , i glared at her and thought to play around so i acted mad and didnt talk to her. 

10 minutes later 

"vanessa im sorry it was just a joke " lisette said all sad hah my plan was working but im still going to get her back just watch , oh lisette yo ass be waking up outside soon. 

"its okay lisette , haha i wasnt mad i was just playing with you " 

"ugh vanessa stop you got me worried"

"haha your still not done i got something planned for you " i said with a smirk.

She just shrugged and sat back in her seat. 

6 hours later 

"buckle up your seat belts we will be landing shortly " 

The announcment said and we all put our belts on for our landing , once we landed we decided to go last since we are moving here and we do have alot more luggage than any one else.

We got out of the plane and to the airport we found a taxi and we told him to take us to our new house i gave my mom the money back home and she bought it from there because we ddidnt want to spend extra money on a hotel or something so our house was already ours.

The cab brought us to our house and let me tell you the outside was beautiful , he got our luggage from the trunk and we paid the dude for bringing us here after that i got the key out of my pocket i opened the door and it was beautiful inside.

We checked out the place and we all called our rooms , all of our rooms were upstairs so that left two downstairs , we didnt really need those two extra rooms i mean we dont have family here.But i could be wrong they might come in handy some day. 

Today we decided to just unpack everything and just relax and maybe tomorrow we will go out and see the beautiful Paris , i grabbed my suit case and dragged it up the stairs i reached the room that was noe mine and everything was already there so i just needed to unpack. 

I couldnt wait till i got my car , my mom was sending my car all the way to paris because i couldnt live without my porsh it was like a child to me lol. 

After hours of organizing my room i had everything in place , but there was one thing i needed to do paint my room baby blue but i couldnt do that just yet maybe some other time. 

I walked downstairs and saw that the girls were watching tv on the flat screen they were watching hangover and laughing i walked to the kitchen and checked in the fridge huh compleately empty ugh i was so dam hungry who am i kidding im always hungry. 

"guys im hungry " i started whining.

"okay well get food right now just wait till our movie finishes " jazzy said.

"ugh fine " i said and sat down.

5 minutes later 

there was a loud noise coming form next door i looked confused and it kinda sounded like the tv on and they were playing a game but it was loud and annoying.

"hey does any one else hear the loud tv from next door " i said 

"yea its kinda annoying we should go say something " lisette said.

"yea we should lets go vanessa your talking ". jazzy said

"fine pussy's " i said sticking my tongue out.

We walked next door and i knocked then someone opened the door and they looked familiar.

"yes can we help you a blonde guy said".

"hi we just moved in next door - wait a minute arent you guys that british boyband "

"yes thats us are you a fan " he said with a smile.

"nope im not and never will be " i said rolling my eyes.

Then onother guy came and i think his name was zach no it was um-um zayn yea zayn i think. 

"niall whos at the door" zayn said.

"some girls who just moved in and who arent a fan i guess" naill said 

"were fans shes not but we are " lisette said pointing at jazzy and her.

"thank you " he smiled. " so is there anything you want pictures authographs" niall said.

"no were just here to tell you guys to shut the fuck up " i said in a bitchy tone.

"damm girl language " niall said. 

"anyways were of to dinner now " lisette said.

"cool were are you guys going " zayn asked.

"oh were going to nandos got a problem with that" i spat at the two boys.

"no , we were going there too actually mind if we sit togather " zayn asked.

"no" i said and jazzy and lisette said "yes" at the same time i did.

"just give us a moment " lisette said to the guys and dragged me away somewhere.

"what are you doing there really cute vanessa dont blow this come on there not that bad" jazzy said.

"ugh fine but im only doing this because i love you guys " i said hugging them.

We got back to now five boys and they made me say it " u-u-umm would you like to join u-us for d-dinner " i said with a fake smile. and they replied with a sure great thats how my life is going so far. 

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