Confusing and Messed Up Situations

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Sorry about the picture above. I am really into the Avengers, and Civil War. I like Captain America a lot and I wanted to post this. It's the part in the first Avengers movie where Tony and Dr. Banner are talking about the Tesseract and how it could create a type of gamma radiation that could destroy the earth when melting to its core. Then Tony says, "Finally. Someone who speaks English." And walks off with Dr. Banner talking more about it. Then Cap up there is confused and all like, "Is that what just happened?" I know. I'm a nerd! Anyway... onto the chapter!!!!


Dick/Robin POV

I woke up to Megan trying to wake me up. I sat up and my head was throbbing. "Ugh... What...what happened?" I asked no one really. "No one knows. But, the...the scientist is... is dead. He was murdered. We didn't accomplish the job." She explained almost in tears. I stood up and looked around. Everyone was here except for S/H/N. "Where's S/H/N?" I asked. "Don't know. I can't get out of this room. The door is locked." KF said. "Why don't you try the window, Noodle Brain!" Artemis told KF. "I knew that! I was...I was just waiting for everyone to get up and now everyone is so...I'll be off now." KF stammered and ran out the window. "That big idiot." Artemis mumbled pretty loud. "Robin, could you try to bomb the door open?" Aqualad asked me. "Yeah. Sure." I said. I set up the mini bombs and hit behind a desk. So did everyone else. I clicked the button. *BOOM* I looked up and the door was gone with half the wall and floor. "Go look for S/H/N. Split up and take different paths." Aqualad ordered. "Should I set up the mind link?" Megan asked. "No. It is alright. We have our ear pieces. We don't want you to lose any energy." Aqualad said. The Team followed orders and split up. I was getting really anxious. I didn't know if S/H/N was here, gone, dead, or knocked out like us. I wanted to find her and fast. "Guys! I found her! I found S/H/N! She was knocked out like us but...different? ... She's still breathing." KF said over the ear piece. "Where your coordinates? Superboy asked him. "Umm... one second." He stopped. "Second floor. East wing. Very end of the hall." He explained. "Ok. I'll be there." I said. I ran as fast as I could to the level he said. When I got there, KF was standing next to a broken window looking out into the distance. "How is she." I asked. KF jumped and was holding his chest. "You scared me Rob! Geez! Don't sneak up on people like that!" KF freaked out. "Sorry. But, how is she? Hasn't she woken up? Is she injured?" I asked in a rush. "Well someone's distraught." KF said. "No. I am just worried. There is a difference." I replied. "Whatever." I gently shook S/H/N shoulder. "Hey! S/H/N, wake up." I told S/H/N's sleeping body. She groaned and moved her head around. She suddenly shot up and ran to the window. She furiously looked around outside and sunk to the floor. "Dang it!" S/H/N yelled while punching the ground and making a dent. "What's wrong?" Superboy asked while running up to us with Aqualad, Megan, and Artemis behind him. "Nothing. The murderer just got away. I... couldn't catch him." She said. She stood up and looked out the window again. "It's not your fault S/H/N. He could have gotten away from any of us. He is very smart and knows how to get around. Please do not take it hard on yourself." Aqualad comforted S/H/N. "Fine." She lied. I don't think she will actually take it easy. I can tell. "Ok then. Let's get going." S/H/N said while hopping out the window. We followed and went to the Bioship. We took our seats and flew off home. "S/H/N. Do you know what the culprit looked like? What he was wearing or anything?" I asked. "It was the same person that the scientist described." She explained. "So he finished his business and killed the scientist. But... oh no! How will the Bat take this?" KF said. I sweat dropped. If he found out I failed, I would be in for it. "I'm so sorry bud. You're done for." KF told me. "Shut up." I told him bluntly. I decided to just deal with it. I always did, anyway. 

Time Skip: At the Mountain ~

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