9. My Mistake

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My apologies everyone. I was really stuck, writers block got the best of me until a few hours ago. Sometimes it's really hard >.< Either way, enjoy~


The drive to the midgets house took longer than usual because the club was all the way on the other side of the city. The cab driver and I chatted from time to time, but for most of the drive I was on my phone.

When the GPS navigation voice announced our arrival to our destination, I looked out the window to see if I recognized the house we were parked in front of. The area looked familiar but it was hard to see if it was his residence since all the houses in the neighborhood had similar designs. Only the number on the doors were unique to each house. I tried my best to identify the number on the main door of the house we were in front of but it was too small to see. Not only that but the tinted windows of the car were obscuring my view. Why this cab driver had the windows so black, was beyond me. And I wasn't going to lower the window in case I got caught by the midget. He had no idea that I knew his address.

I motioned the driver to move the car a bit more up to get a better view of the porch from the steel barred gate. All the bushes and plants concealed most of it but when the cab driver parked right in front of the gate, it became more visible. It was just enough for me to look through from one of the front windows of the car that weren't tinted. As I watched the house for a few seconds, the front door of the house opened and two figures walked out onto the porch. I could only make out a few details but from that I was able to distinguish one of the two guys that were now sitting down on the chairs conversing. The one on the left was definitely the nerd but the other one was hard to tell.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, can you check the two men that are sitting down over there?" I asked kindly, pointing towards the porch. He looked back at me, perturbed. I guess it was weird how I was still situated in the car with him. He probably had other customers to pick up. Well, his ass can wait.

"Young man, aren't you getting off?"

"I will once I verify that I'm at the right place. Just do that for me, sir." He didn't hesitate, clearly impatient now.

"I don't know what I'm suppose to see but they're just sitting down talking. Nothing weird about that." He shrugged, looking back at me.

"Okay...well how does the one on the right look? His hair color to be precise" I needed to know if it was the one I saw the midget with the first week he transferred to our school. That dude was always quiet and looking indifferent. Or if it was the taller one of the three. The one with him now looked about the midget's height to be him though.

"His hair looks light to me. Blond? No. More like silver." The driver looked back at me again as if to say if that was it? And yeah that was all I needed to know.

So he had company already. I always do stupid shit when I drink. I could've been hooking up with the girl I met at the club that I ended up being rude to. Instead I came here, and I don't even fucking know why. Just to waste my time, that's all.

I lowered the back window from where I was sitting, not all the way but just enough for me to see them, especially that fucking midget. I was getting angry, glaring at them but it was mainly because I came here for nothing. Looking at him, he looked fine to me. He wasn't the one getting bullied earlier today after all. No one even bullies that moron, it's just that no one likes him. I don't. Fuck. I'm so mad right now. Watch when I see him in school tomorrow.

"It's fine now. I gave you the wrong address by mistake. Sorry about that." I said between my teeth. I was holding myself back from stepping out of the car and punching that fucker straight in the face. And maybe it was the alcohol in my system talking all this time but I couldn't deny the fact that I was still in a very bad mood regardless of the alcohol or not.

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