7. Why Me?

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My dad and I sat in pure silence eating the quick breakfast I prepared for myself and the 'meal' he made me do for him. He never even thanked me for it or even bothered to glance my way. I wanted to tell him about the burglar that was lurking around our house last night but figured he wasn't having it. He left his plate on the table and went out to work without saying goodbye. I sighed in frustration, taking his plate and mine to the dish washer.

The last thing I wanted to do was miss class today, like I did yesterday for the most part, and even if I did my father would hold it against me forever. I still didn't want to go though. I attempted to dress myself up a bit more but the result was probably the same old me. No style at all. I knew what was coming today and I would like to think I was prepared for it but deep down I knew I wasn't, not even a little bit.

I took my bag and walked over to the bus stop. I wasn't allowed to have a car because according to my dad, I didn't deserve it and it looks like I'll never get the chance to have one anytime soon. My goal was to finish high school and move out as soon as possible. To get as far as I could from my 'family' and attend a faraway university. He actually thought I only got in because of my grades, but it was more than that. The school actually had a good performing arts program, and I was into dancing. That's how much he cared that he didn't even know my interests. The bus took a long time to arrive because of rush hour in the morning. I was always prepared for it, being tardy wasn't my style.

Out in the field in front of the school, friends and classmates gathered together, chatting away and playing around. Inside the school, I slithered through the crowded hallway avoiding people as much as I could. I made my way to Ms. Kwon, the school's nurse, successfully. As soon as she saw me, she welcomed me with a big smile. Once I was seated, Ms. Kwon bombarded me with questions, like 'how was my ankle?' And 'if I was doing okay?' Her concern was much appreciated by me, even if it was her job to do so. I took that time to explain to her my situation. I told her that although I wasn't dismissed home, my ankle was still hurting after I woke up and took the medicine she gave me, so I left home and missed all my lessons.

Even if most of it was a lie, she didn't have to know that. Luckily for me, she believed everything I said and even stated that she was worried the whole day after she left me to rest, wondering if my ankle got better after the short nap I had. I assured her that I was doing much better after I woke up but that I was still in pain, which was the reason why I couldn't stay in school and left. With that, Ms. Kwon wrote a note for me, backing up what I said, to show all my teachers as an excuse for my absence yesterday. After signing the paper and handing it to me, she wished me the best and told me that if I needed anything, she was here for me. I smiled and bowed before leaving.

I made my way over to my Geometry class as fast as I could, considering that the infirmary was a good distance from it and I was already running late. Mr. Choi was already taking the attendance when I opened the door. He called my name the second I walked in. The whole class sniggered when he said that I barely made it before he was about to make me kneel outside the classroom with my arms raised high over my head as punishment, until the end of the class. I sincerely apologized and vowed that it was never happening again. Disregarding my apology, he gestured me with his head to go on and sit.

Making my way to the back of the room, the girl from yesterday watched my every move attentively. I could see her from my peripheral view. She still had that smug on her face, but didn't dared to make direct eye contact with me. It was only her and one of her friends, probably why she didn't do anything...until she took her leg out from under her desk, placing it in my way just before I walked past her, almost tripping me. Wow, I spoke too soon. Almost had me there.

It was too bad for her that I was also on the lookout for any little tricks that she had in store for me, and the fact that she missed made her expression darken and mine brighten.

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