The beginning

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Valeria was on her computer and saw an ad for a contest where she could win four V.I.P tickets and a trip with BigBang. The contest lasted for 2 weeks and Valeria waited patiently for her response, checking her email every time as the days were passing. She finally got an email saying, "Congratulations!! You have won 4 V.I.P tickets and a trip with BigBang." She screamed from the top of her lungs in happiness and then settled down to think who was she going to invite to go with her. As she was thinking about who to invite the names Stephanie, Natalie, and Marlen came to her mind. They all like Kpop and their favorite band is Bts but they would still be happy to accompany her to the concert and trip even though it's about BigBang.  She texted them all through a group chat saying,

"Guess what!!!!" She typed in excitement.

"What? What happened?!?!" They all texted.

"You would Never believe what I won!!!"

"What did you win?" Marlen asked.

"I won four V.I.P ticket and a trip with  BigBang!!!"

"Wow that's awesome!!!" they said

"Finally going to see your babe T.O.P, huh Valeria!!!" Marlen typed

"I know!!!"

"And I was wondering if the three of you would like to go with me?"

"Yes" they all typed

"You better not do anything weird!!!" Stephanie and Natalie typed

"OMG, no you guys I promise to behave myself."

"Sure you will!!!" they all typed

"Of course, I will and I will send you guys the information later and give you your tickets later."

"Okay then. See you soon." They said


Valeria put her phone down and started thinking about what she should wear to the concert and what she should pack in the luggage. The concert was only a week away and she would always like to be prepared before time. As soon as she started packing her luggage her phone rang and she saw that the caller ID read Jr which was her brother she answered the phone

Valeria: "Hello"

Jr: "Hello Valeria, Do you have any plans for your birthday?"


Jr: "Don't tell me you forgot about your own birthday!!!"

From all of the excitement, she had forgotten her own birthday.

Valeria:"Ummm, I have a trip during that month because I won a contest."

Jr: "Wow congrats, well then we could just go somewhere when you return from your trip."

Valeria: "okay then thanks"

Jr: "Your welcome Bye"

Valeria: "Bye"


She walked towards the bed and jumped right on top of it then she started to think about how the concert will be like and what would she do during the trip and if she would have fun or not. She then put on her pajamas while she was dressing she got hungry and walked towards the kitchen to make herself a sandwich and poured herself a glass of sprite with ice. She then walked into the living room turned on the tv and watched Commitment starting Choi Seung-hung (T.O.P) since she loved watching the movies that he started on. While watching the movie she started to think about what if all of this was a dream and that she really didn't win the contest. All of those thoughts left her mind when she saw her phone and read the email, a big smile appeared on her face so she returned her attention towards the movie and said, "See you soon."

~A Week Passed~

It was the day of the concert Valeria showered then got dressed in black jeans and a white t-shirt, which she wold have all BigBang members sign for her to keep as a memory, she then put on some black vans and her hair in a ponytail. As she was grabbing everything she needed, she received a message saying that the van was outside which was the car the people from the contest send which was taking them to the concert. Once she had her luggage in the van they went to pick up Marlen, Stephanie, and Natalie. They finally arrived at the concert which they had front row seats to see them better. After the amazing performance they gave on stage the band went backstage to see their fans and to give autographs. There wasn't a lot of fans who came to see them backstage. Valeria saw that four of the other BigBang members were surrounded by fans except for Daesung, there wasn't a lot of fans around him so she took it as an opportunity to get his signature on her shirt. Marlen, Stephanie, and Natalie went different members to get their autographs. She went over and said, "Excuse me, may I get you autograph?"she said shyly,"Of course, what's your name?" he asked "Valeria" she said.  She then moved on to Seungri,"Hello cutie, what's your name?"he said"Valeria"she said turning pink when she heard him call her cutie. She then looked to her left to see Stephanie getting G-dragons autograph because she like his music and he gave he a kiss on the cheek. Moving from Seungri to G-dragon,"Whats your name?"he asked"Valeria"she said and turned around for him to sign the back, she then turned around to say "thank you" then G-dragon kissed her on the cheek and then smiled at her. Then she moved on to Taeyang and asked for his autograph. Finally, she reached T.O.P to ask for his autograph and turned around so that he could sign the back of her shirt while holding on to her shoulder, "What's your name? gorgeous!!!" he asked"I'm Valeria"She said blushing.

~T.O.P's POV~

When I was done with one signature and ready to move on to the next person, as I looked up I saw a beautiful girl walk through the door who caught most of my attention. She walked in with three other girls who were possibly her friends. Even though I said I would never date a fan it was love at first sight and something about her made me rethink about my decision. I kept watching her while I was doing autographs, wondering when was she going to come over and ask me for my signature to get a better look at her. I saw her going first to Daesung, then to Seungri, then to G-dragon and then to Taeyang. When she asked G-dragon for his autograph I saw him give her a kiss which I got to admit, it got me jealous even though he was giving all of the girls kisses on the cheek. When she finally reached me, I said "finally!! she's so beautiful!!" to myself. As she asked me to sign the back of the shirt I was holding on to her shoulder which made me feel nervous and the thought of wanting her came across my mind. Which was strange to me since I didn't even know her so I asked her for her name "Valeria" she said what a beautiful name she has. I then started to daydream.


Fans were leaving the only ones who remained were the BigBang members and Valeria and her friends. Later someone from the contest came to properly introduce them to BigBang, they told BigBang that Valeria was the one who won the contest. T.O.P muttered" Yes!!" under his breath and then introduced himself as the oldest of the group then the others introduced themselves and Seungri introduced himself as the youngest. Marlen, Natalie, Stephanie, and then Valeria introduced themselves and said their thanks and how happy they were to be here. When a group of boys then  came in saying, "Hyung's, your concert was amazing!!!"

To Be Contiune...

Hello everyone this is my first fanfic so please take it easy on me and I'm sorry if I did badly.

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