Grief and shes pregnant!

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_____aphmaus pov__________________

I laid my eyes open sitting in Aarons arms. His Chest lifted and dropped as he was asleep. I I slowly got up and changed into a purple dress with purple sandals. What was today going to be like. I looked around the room. My purple walls made it feel like nobody could hurt me. But there I stood, beside my closet, I looked in and seen zanes pony collection. "You were my friend" I whispered. My mid swirled as I walked to the stairs. I could smell cupcakes. "Kawaii~Chan?" I asked. "OH APHMAU~SENPAI Kawaii~Chan IS DOWN HERE BAKING FOR EVERYONE, she wants to help everyone feel happy." Kawaii~Chan said I slowly walked down the stairs. Everyone had slept at my house. Garroth laid on the couch while vlyad had fallen asleep beside him, laurance was laying on the floor. Travis and Kawaii~Chan were in the kitchen. "Heyyyy katelyn... Wait Nope still aphmau" Travis said as I walked into the kitchen. I leaned against the counter. "You okay my not alone buddy" He said, I laughed. "You haven't called me that sense highschool!" I said. "Ha you didn't think I'd forget right?"he chuckled. He shoved a cupcake in his mouth. "TRAVIS~KUN THOSE ARE FOR EVERYONE" Kawaii~Chan said as she started hitting him with an extra apron. Garroth came over to me. I threw my hands around his head, and pulled him in for a hug. "Hello aph" he said grabbing a cupcake and walking back to the couch. I dangled off him as he walked. "You so short aphmau|~senpai" Kawaii~Chan said.

I ignored her comment and sat with garroth.

_____Garroths pov____
Was she really aarons girl? She could be mine if I tried as hard... Maybe. "Garroth can we take a walk..?" She asked. She looked upset. I nodded and walked outside. She followed. "What's wrong I can see it in your eyes... Your scared...!" I said. She looked down. "What is it" I asked again. "Im pregnant" she said. I almost fainted. "Who's t-the dad?" I asked. "Aaron but he doesn't know" she said. "How long have you known?" I said. Then I
Wondered, could I ever get her now. "I was going to tell Aaron the day I found he couldn't remember me..." She pouted. "You need to go tell him now" I said. I then picked her up and brought her back. "I CAN WALK" she cursed under her breath. I set her Down. "I'll tell katelyn and vlyad you tell
Aaron, that's all you need to do for now" I said. She scampered off. I walked to the basement and found vlyad. "Hey little brother?" I asked. "Yeh" he said. "Aphmau is.." I started. "What is she hurt" he stood up and rushed over to me. "No no she's fine... She's just.." I tried again. "JUST WHAT" he said as he started to rush up the stairs for her. "Pregnant" I finished. He came back down. "Whose baby...?" He asked. "Aarons.." I said. He walked out of the basement. I sat on his bed. I texted katelyn the news. "YESSSSSSS" is what I heard Kawaii~Chan, she must have been told. Followed by a sessile fangirling. "MY SHIPPPPPPPP" she screeched.

_____aphmaus pov_____

"Aaron" I said as I walked in my room. "Yes" he said as he came over and hugged me. "I need to tell you something!" I said. He looked at me and smiled. "Im pregnant" I said. His smile turned to fear so quickly. "Am I going to be a father?" He asked. I nodded. "That's wonderful aphmau." He said. I barry my face in his shirt.


An aarmau love story!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat