Chapter 3 || Stutter

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"Poke. Poke. Poke," said Adrien as he continuously poked my cheek while I read, his green eyes filled with amusement. "You have soft cheeks. Did you know that?" His face popped behind my book like a peeping cat as he resumed poking my cheek.

"C-could you stop that, p-please?" Adrien stopped poking my cheek as the almighty stutter made a comeback. I lowered my book and slowly looked at his face, confusion dancing in his eyes.

"What happened to Miss Fierce n' Feisty?" asked Adrien, curiosity evident in his voice as his hands cupped my face and squished my cheeks.

"I-I don't know, r-really..." He sat down beside me, braced one hand on his knee, and tilted my head with the other. "Remember I told you a while ago that I would bring out the real you?" I nodded.

"We're starting with getting rid of that little stutter if yours," said Adrien as he grabbed the book on my lap and hid it in his bag.

"Hey! Give it-t b-back!" I tried to reach for his bag, but he clicked his tongue and signaled for me to sit down.

"Try talking to me without stuttering and without looking at me, Princess." I cast my eyes down and focused on my interlacing fingers. I was about to speak, but I was cut off by Adrien.

"You're reading Harry Potter? Isn't that for kids?"

Oh he did not just.

"So is your attitude, but I'm not saying anything," I retorted, still not looking at his face.

"Now - you say it to my face, Princess." Adrien inched closer causing my breath to hitch.

"I'd rather not. I think I'm gonna puke if I have to look at your face one more time," I said, still avoiding his gaze.

"Meowch, you hurt my felines," replied Adrien as he clutched his heart dramatically.

"Awww, is Kitty hurt? Do you want some kisses on your boo-boos?" I said as I involuntarily looked at him straight in the eyes and flicked the tip of his nose. His eyes instantly lit up and his grin popped back up as we made eye contact.

"That wasn't so hard. Right, Princess?" asked Adrien.

"Whatever ya' say, Kitty. Now, can I please have my book back?"

"You're not getting it until I say so. And since when did you start calling me Kitty?" I grinned as Adrien blushed when he said the last word.

"Since 30 seconds ago. Why? Do you like it, Kitty?" I leaned in until our faces were inches apart. If I didn't know better, I'd say we were about to kiss. We stayed in that position for a couple seconds until Adrien moved back and released a breath he was holding, which caused my grin to shine brighter than ever.

He leaned back in his seat, and I leaned back in mine. Couples holding hands passed by, looking at each other eye to eye. The corner of their lips tugged up in a smile only for their significant other to see. My breath hitched and I felt a strong pang against my heart as my gaze landed on the top of a red headed boy and memories from the past played back in my head. I closed my eyes, counted to ten, and opened them.

The red headed boy was gone. I could've sworn -

"Hey, Mari I was wondering if - Princess? Are you okay? What happened?" asked Adrien in a worried tone as he inched closer and cupped my face in his hands. His thumb wiped the rolling tears off my cheeks as his other hand tucked a few stray hairs behind my ear.

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