Chapter 7 || Sunset

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Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng, please report to Gate 13 in the West Wing.

What the?

I checked the clock on my phone, but it said I still have two and a half hours until take off. I shut off my phone and tuck it back in my bag. There are more people in the airport now, some are waiting while others are exploring all four wings of the ZIA. I pass by the waiting area to look for Adrien.

No blond head or a tan teen in sight, which would mean that Adrien wasn't here anymore.

Second call - Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng, please report to Gate 13 in the West Wing.

"-ardium Leviosa," I mutter, making myself giggle. Snap out of it, Mari! There's no time to get punny. Get to the West Wing.

My feet skid to a halt, heels burning from walking too much. I turned around and rushed to the West Wing. But there's a problem - I haven't been to West Wing before, more so Gate 13. All I knew was that the East Wing was for Gates 1 to 10 and 21 to 30, the South Wing was for shops and restaurants, the North Wing was the entrance, and the waiting area connected all four wings. 

The vast waiting area was jam-packed so it was hard to maneuver around the crowded area and look for the entrance of the West Wing. It was easy for people to push me in all directions because of my petite frame. Everyone was probably a head or a couple inches taller than me - minus the children of course.

I felt something tug on my bag, so I turned around and looked down - only to see the old Chinese man smiling up at me.

"Excuse me miss, but I must to talk to you for a minute," said the old man, "my name is Master Fu - if you were wondering."

I opened my mouth to tell him that I had no time, but he tugged on my bag and motioned for me to follow him to the small fountain in the middle of the waiting area. He motioned for me to sit down beside him, and so I did. It was no use to waste my energy on trying to get through the crowd.

"You dwell heavily on your past, don't you?" asked Master Fu. 

"I guess you could say that," I mumbled, not liking where this talk is going.

"Do you wish to move on?" 

"Badly... Very badly," I said.

"Then think of the sunset at the end of the day, Miss Dupain-Cheng," said Master Fu as he looked at the crowd passing by. "How did you know my name?" I ask, suddenly unnerved. 

"A person will know a thing or two once he decides to stop focusing on painting a continent, but the world as a whole. Miss Dupain-Cheng, think of the sunset at the end of the day and sunrise at its beginning. You dwell to much on the night and its darkness - it consumes you to the point where you cannot determine which is good or bad," said Master Fu, "Keep in mind that when red and blue collide, its outcome will be darkness and fear. But when blue and yellow merge, the end would be full of life. So don't dwell on the past, Miss Dupain-Cheng, because dwelling on something that you can no longer change will lead you to ruining yourself and losing the sanity you have left."

Master Fu stood up in one swift motion and tossed a coin into the fountain where it joined other rusty and shiny coins at the bottom. He then disappeared into the South Wing, leaving me clueless with the fading echo of his words.

Keep in mind that when red and blue collide, its outcome will be darkness and fear. But when blue and yellow merge, the end would be full of life.  

What was that supposed to mean? I shake my head, clearing my thoughts, and walked toward the open entrance of the West Wing. 

And now I know why I've never been here.

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