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If it's 3/7 the first three commented names will be done unless the same person is consistently chosen I'll choose the next name or decide myself.

Comment your preference ideas/suggestions ;

LIST: (3/7)
1. How you meet
2. He asks you out
3. First date
4. First kiss
5. Becoming a couple
6. Meeting the friends
7. Meeting the parents
8. Going public
9. He asks you to move in
10. Looking for a house
11. Moving in
12. First night together
13. Cuddles
14. Comfort
15. Bad day
16. First time (s to the m to the u to the t)
17. Fights
18. You break up
19. Crying
20. Laughs
21. Concert
22. Defending you
23. Hate
24. Period
25. Stress
26. Skype
27. Late night calls
28. Drunk calls
29. Texts
30. Drunk texts
31. He dies
32. You die
33. Car crash
34. His thoughts when he sees you for the first time
35. You're drunk
36. He's drunk

LIST: (7/7)
1. What you fight about
2. Your song

1. How you sleep
2. How you kiss
3. How you hug
4. Favourite thing

1. Lazy day
2. Formal date
3. Casual date
4. First date
5. Formal dinner with his parents


1. Telling him
2. Morning sickness
3. Telling the parents
4. Telling the boys
5. Cravings
6. Small bump
7. First ultrasound
8. Gender
9. Baby names
10. Stretch marks
11. Pregnancy insecurities
12. Mood swings
13. Back pains
14. Singing to your belly
15. Labour pains
16. You go into labour
17. Driving to the hospital
18. Holding your baby for the first time
19. Naming your baby
20. Baby room (picture)

1. Miscarriage
2. He's late for the birth
3. Pregnancy scare

1. How he is your best friend
2. Bestfriend moment
3. You have feelings for eachother
4. He has feelings for you and someone else tells you

1. Proposing
2. The ring (picture)
3. Telling the parents
4. Telling the boys
5. Telling everyone else
6. Wedding dress (picture)
7. Flower bouquet (picture)
8. Bridesmaids dresses (picture)
9. Best man
10. The wedding (picture)
11. The rings (picture)
12. Off to the honeymoon
13. The honeymoon location (picture)
14. Highlight of the honeymoon
15. Coming home
16. Illness

1. Summer
2. Autumn
3. Winter
4. Spring

1. Decorating
2. The tree (picture)
3. Presents (picture
4. First Christmas together

AU's: (3/7)
1. You're a YouTuber
2. He's a football player

AU BONUS': (7/7)
1. Hogwarts
     a. House
     b. Quidditch positions
2. Divergent faction

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