[ six ]

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The sound made Jaebum shoot out of his bed almost immediately. Thankfully he wasn't asleep, he was having a hard time trying to close his eyes and get some well needed rest.

The fact that he heard a scream, coming from Youngjae's room, made it all the more worth it that he didn't doze off.

He hastily pulled off the sheets and got up, running towards the hybrid's bedroom. The door was only slightly ajar and he opened it quickly without thought. The moment he stepped inside, he flicked on the light switch and was greeted with the sight of a sobbing Youngjae.

Ears drooping, cheeks red and puffy, and eyes watering as his frail trembling hands struggled to grip on his blanket.

Jaebum cursed silently to himself as he saw Youngjae's tears increase even more, squinting because of the bright light Jaebum had flicked on. He quickly switched it off again and rushed to Youngjae's side, instantaneously grabbing his hands and holding it in his own.

They were cold, and still shaking. Probably even more due to Jaebum's touch.

"Youngjae..?" Jaebum whispered, soothingly attempting to rub the cold hands and make them warm.

His response was a broken sob.

"Youngjae what happened?" He asked, voice still smooth and gentle.

Youngjae only shook his head while more tears spilled out from his pretty brown eyes.

Jaebum hated it.

He grabbed a bunch of tissues from the bedside table and used the same hand to wipe the tears of his face, and clean up his little nose. Jaebum moved closer to the puppy boy, wrapping an arm around him while softly stroking his back, trying to calm him down.

"Hey, it's okay.. It's alright. Nothing's gonna happen to you okay? You're safe Youngjae." He cooed gently, heart almost tearing into shreds as those big brown orbs glanced up at him with worry.

All he could see in those chocolate brown eyes was anxiousness, disbelief, fear and vulnerability. He bit his lip at the sight, wishing that they'd never appear in those beautiful orbs again.

"Youngjae ah, what happened?" He asked again, hoping for more of a response now that he had calmed down a little bit.

"N-nightmare.." Was all the smaller boy could croak out, before grabbing the soft fabric of Jaebum's shirt and burying his tear streaked face into it.

Jaebum's heart finally broke.

Without a second thought, he climbed into the covers himself, arranging them properly so they could both keep warm in the cold weather. He pulled Youngjae into his arms, securing them tightly around him while he buried his own face into the puppy boy's hair, breathing in the sweet scent.

Jaebum continued rubbing his back, whispering reassuring words to the boy while he squeezed him a little tighter and brought him in a little closer.

They stayed like that for a good few minutes, until Youngjae finally seemed to have enough courage to bring his head back up again. Ears no longer in their droopy state, and tears no longer spilling from the corners of his eyes.

"You okay?" Jaebum's voice was still as gentle as ever.

"I think s-so." Youngjae mumbled, looking back at him.

For the most part, he looked to be in a better state.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jaebum asked, knowing they if he could reassure him a little better, he wouldn't be as upset.

"Yeah.." Youngjae sighed out, gripping onto Jaebum's t-shirt tightly.

"Tell me.." Jaebum urged on, bringing his hands to softly stroke the puppy boy's shoulders.

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