[ seven ]

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Jaebum almost fell off the bed the moment his eyes fluttered open. Only to be greeted by the sight of cocoa brown ears and fluffy head full of caramel hair.

His arms felt especially warm, and when he took a glance downwards, he realised it was because simply they were wrapped around a sleeping figure.

And the sleeping figure was non other than Youngjae, the puppy hybrid that had found his way under Jaebum's care.

The one with the warm brown eyes and the soft hair. The one with that adorable mole under his right eye, that Jaebum found himself becoming infatuated with. The one who's tail, was currently brushing against his leg.

That Youngjae.

He was about to pull his arms away and  get out of the bed immediately but the fact that his arm was practically underneath Youngjae, meant that the young hybrid would've woken up if he did so. And so a flustered Jaebum helplessly laid on the uncomfortable bed with Youngjae in his arms. He tried to roll on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Its brilliant white colour almost blinding his sleepy, squinty eyes.

Thoughts trailed back to the previous night, in which he remembered comforting a terrified Youngjae back to sleep. And embarrassingly enough, he remembered the tiny little kiss he placed right under the younger boy's eye. Just remembering it made Jaebum's cheeks burn.

Just then, Jaebum felt a shift between his arms, and a small almost unnoticeable, yet cute noise coming from the boy in his arms.

Jaebum froze.

He felt Youngjae twist around a bit, and then he assumed that the boy must've opened his eyes and come to his senses, because he pulled away from Jaebum with a jump. Only to be pulled back slightly, as Jaebum's arms were still lazily wrapped around him.

Jaebum gulped.

Youngjae must have heard it, because then he froze immediately.

"H-hyung..?" His voice quieter than a whisper.

"Good morning..?" Well at least Jaebum tried.

"O-oh. Good morning." Youngjae squeaked.

Jaebum couldn't handle the awkwardness of the situation so he hastily pulled his arms away from around Youngjae, pulling off the sheets. He hopped off the bed and rushed out the room.

He left a confused, and embarrassed Youngjae behind, and call Youngjae foolish but he hadn't slept that well in ages.

Even while he was still living with Jinyoung, he'd never slept like that. The two had always slept in the same bed, Jinyoung was much too protective not to do so. That's why Youngjae had such a hard time adjusting to the new sleeping routine placed upon him.

And although cuddles from his supposed 'step-brother' (Jinyoung), were great, as embarrassing as it was, cuddles from Jaebum seemed to be much better.

..Much better.

But of course he wasn't going to admit it

It was a sad and slightly selfish sounding thought in Youngjae's opinion, but he wondered if he should fake a nightmare every night just so he could get hugged by Jaebum.

A comforting Jaebum, to Youngjae it seemed, was the best Jaebum.

..At least so far.

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