[ epilogue ]

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It's Christmas.

And Jaebum's small two bedroom apartment has never been so busy before in his life.


Jinyoung had come on the morning of Christmas Eve, the bright smile and friendliness that both Jaebum and Youngjae had missed.

Youngjae wasn't as clingy towards him as he used to be, he got used to Jinyoung's spontaneous visits but this one was really special.

Why? You may ask, and the answer?


The moment Jinyoung has stepped into the apartment the previous day, he let out one of the most dramatic gasps which had Jaebum thinking he accidentally left behind one of Jinyoung's bags.

But that wasn't the case.

Their apartment was just a huge mess.

So their whole Christmas Eve was spent with Jaebum and Youngjae being mercilessly bossed around by Jinyoung, cleaning up every single inch of the apartment.

Needless to say Youngjae got some special treatment and a few extra breaks that Jaebum didn't have, but the sweet little puppy boy deserved them for working so hard.

Cleaning was Youngjae's least favourite thing to do anyway.


In the evening the whole apartment was cleaner than ever and Jinyoung let out the most relieved sigh.

"I can't believe you guys lived like this.. How could you do this to me? I thought I taught you well.." Jinyoung sighed, looking at Youngjae.

He was only teasing of course, Youngjae was usually very good but he needed to be told what to do sometimes. That's where Jaebum came into play.

Back to the theme of Christmas, their friends, Yugyeom, Bambam, Mark and Jackson were coming over for a Christmas dinner party tomorrow night so the 7 of them could all celebrate together.

They even pre planned Secret Santa for the seven of them using an online website and email service, which all of them were totally excited about.

"Jinyoungie hyung!" Youngjae giggled, bouncing on the couch next to Jinyoung.

The older laughed softly, "Yes Youngjae?"

"Are we decorating it all Christmas-y tomorrow!?" He asked curiously, looking around the clean but plain looking apartment.

Jinyoung nodded, "Yeah Jae, and that means after you finish your hot cocoa and the movie's over, you're heading straight to bed so you can wake up and early to help decorate! And to help me and Jaebum cook."

Youngjae practically beamed at that, his tail wagging eagerly as he pulled his knees up to his chest.

"I'll sleep super soon I promise!"

Just then Jaebum walked into the room, fresh from a late night shower.

"What're you guys watching?" He asked, making his way to the table to grab his own cup of hot cocoa, blowing on it gently before sipping.

"Frosty!!" Youngjae smiled.

Jaebum smiled back, sitting next to the puppy hybrid, planting a tiny kiss on his cheek. "That sounds lovely, what's happening to Frosty right now Jae?"

Youngjae looked back at the screen, thinking for a second before turning back.

"Oh oh! so-"


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