[ sixteen ]

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The rest of the time Jinyoung spent with Youngjae and Jaebum felt short, and it felt over all too soon. 

Before they knew it, they were back at the airport, ready to see Jinyoung off. Though thankfully, this time Youngjae wasn't bawling his eyes out. The puppy hybrid was still sad, but he clung onto Jaebum most of the way, feeling happy that he'd always have him.

Jaebum noticed this obviously, and only grinned when he felt his favourite little hybrid cling onto him further. 

It was when Jinyoung finally waved goodbye and headed for the departure gate, that they both realised he was gone, again.

Youngjae buried his face into Jaebum's chest, ears drooping slightly but enough for Jaebum to feel against his chest. He cooed softly and wrapped his arms around the hybrid, stroking his back lovingly. 

"It's alright sunshine, Jinyoungie said he'll try to visit again soon," Jaebum reassured the younger. 

He felt Youngjae's face press further into his chest, nuzzling into him and he also didn't fail to notice how the younger's tail managed to start wagging a bit more.

"There you go Jae," Jaebum smiled, running his fingers through the hybrid's hair. 

"Wanna go home?" Jaebum asked the smaller puppy hybrid who was still very much occupied with snuggling into the older's chest, even though they were still in public.

He heard Youngjae mumble something against his chest but Jaebum really couldn't understand a word coming out of the hybrid's mouth.

"What was that sunshine?" He asked softly, pressing his nose into the fluffy brown mess that was Youngjae's hair.

"Hot chocolate," He heard Youngjae clearer as the puppy boy pulled his face back slightly.

Jaebum turned and eyed the small airport cafe, looking back down at Youngjae happily. 

"Of course." He grinned, pressing a kiss to the puppy hybrid's forehead, taking note of how Youngjae's tail wagged even quicker, indicating his happiness.

- - - 

Upon reaching their apartment, Jaebum let out a loud sigh, already exhausted from their day's events, even though it was barely noon.

They had to wake up quite early for Jinyoung's flight, earlier than Jaebum would usually wake up on a day like this.

He glances up at the clock, and his eyes widen.


Youngjae gasped softly behind him and poked him not so gently. "Hyung! Don't say bad words," He scolded, a tiny pout on his lips.

Jaebum turned to face Youngjae and sighed quietly, "Ah, I know angel, I just remembered something... I've got work today, in less than an hour." 

Youngjae tilted his head and looked at Jaebum innocently, "So?"

Jaebum shook his head and groaned. 

"You're coming with me again." He concluded.

Youngjae's eyes brightened and he giggled. "Really? Can I? I haven't been in ages!

Jaebum nodded, but he began to speak again; "Okay Jae, you gotta get ready super quick alright? We need to be there soon or I'll be late and you don't want to know what would happen if we were late sunshine," Jaebum adds on the last part, just for effect and so that his adorable hybrid wouldn't take 10 years to find the perfect sweater to wear.

Youngjae was about to open his mouth to ask a question, ears perked.

But before the hybrid could speak, Jaebum beat him to it. 

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