[ seventeen ]

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It's been a good few months after that incident at the library, and thankfully, for both Jaebum and Youngjae it never happened again.

In fact they both were heading into the holiday season with smiles on their faces, surprised that a year had almost already passed since they first met.

Youngjae had a new found habit of following Jaebum anywhere he went. Probably a hybrid thing, being so attached.

Jaebum literally couldn't leave him alone for a second, but he had to when he had university classes to attend.

That, was Youngjae's worst part of the weekdays.

When Jaebum stayed up late to finish an assignment and Youngjae had to make do with the shows on TV and takeout Jaebum managed to get on the way home.

Youngjae wasn't mad.. He was just, lonely.

And not just any kind of lonely, Jaebum deprived lonely.

Sure they still talked everyday but it just wasn't really the same. Jaebum's final exams for the year and semester were coming up and he hadn't left his room for the longest time.

The puppy hybrid understood why, of course he did, it was just boring without the older boy.

Youngjae often found himself looking in the bathroom mirror, noticing the sad droop of his ears and the slow, almost nonexistent wag of his tail behind him.

A very sad puppy indeed.

He didn't really want to disturb Jaebum, but he felt himself coming to his limit and rushed out the door and all the way to Jaebum's.

"Jaebum.." No answer.

"Hyung?" Youngjae called out in a louder voice.

He immediately covered his mouth with his hand as he saw the sight in front of him.

Jaebum had fallen asleep on his desk, laptop screen blaring bright colours while his notes lay scattered across the wooden surface.

Youngjae sighed softly and walked closer to the other.

He noticed the soft rise and fall of Jaebum's chest, although it was hard to notice with the way he was positioned on his chair, leaning over the table.

Youngjae shook his head, grinning a little at the adorable sight. Jaebum hyung was actually pretty cute, and dorky but he doesn't like to admit it.

Youngjae's okay with that though.

He manages to pull his hyung out of the chair, carefully, trying not to wake up the older boy.

He fails.

"Huh-?" Jaebum mutters as he's being shuffled around, almost collapsing onto the floor until Youngjae managed to catch him from underneath.

Youngjae whined to himself, a bit annoyed that he woke up the older boy.

"Youngjae..?" Jaebum breathed out, rubbing his eyes and pulling himself out of the smaller boy's hold.

"Hi.. Hyung." Youngjae answered meekly.

"I fell asleep didn't I?" Jaebum asks with a small yawn, stretching his arms out.

Youngjae nodded.

"I should go back to work.. I've got a few more notes to run through before I sleep.." Jaebum said slowly, looking back at the mess that was his desk.

Youngjae's eyes widened at that statement and he shook his head, grabbing Jaebum's wrists.

"No, you're sleeping." He announces, a small yet adorable pout on his lips.

Jaebum wanted to disagree but god Youngjae looks so adorable right now he'd hate to stay up when he could cuddle with his sunshine, and fall into a deep sleep.

It's probably what he needs.

"You need to sleep hyung.." Youngjae almost whispers, almost like he had read Jaebum's mind.

"Ah, alright Jae," Jaebum concluded, walking over to his desk to shut down his laptop.

He pulled off his shirt and quickly put on a more comfortable one for sleeping in and almost jumped onto his bed.

He gestured for Youngjae to come over, and the puppy boy did, immediately going for Jaebum's lap.

He snuggled into the familiar warmth, almost wanting to cry because he really hadn't felt it in so long.

Turns out he's crying anyway.

Jaebum notices (of course) and his eyes immediately go wide and he panics.

"Jae? Hey, what happened sweetheart? You okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice like it always does when the smaller boy is upset.

Youngjae buried his face into the other's chest, shaking his head with soft sobs.

"Missed you too much."

The words came out in a mumble, almost hard to understand with his choked sobs but Jaebum heard him.

"Jae.." He began, even though he wasn't sure where to begin.

He hugged the hybrid as hard as he could, nosing into the other's neck.

"God, I'm so sorry angel I didn't mean to neglect you like that. You must've been so lonely right? I thought you'd be okay, but gosh I was wrong." Jaebum muttered to himself, upset that he was the reason for Youngjae's crying.

"S'okay hyung.. Just want you, now.." Youngjae muttered, quietly, trying to wipe his tears away with the sleeves of his sweater.

Jaebum frowned and pulled Youngjae's hands away, wiping the tears with his own thumbs. "I'm so sorry, once my exams are over you're having my attention all day, every day. Christmas is coming up soon too, aren't you excited? Jinyoung says you love Christmas baby, you'll have so much fun I promise." Jaebum smiled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the puppy boy's forehead.

He notices Youngjae's ears perking up more and a small smile form on that adorable face he loves so much.


Jaebum nodded, smile becoming wider.

"I love you so much hyung! You're the best! Is Jinyoung hyung still coming for the holidays?!" Youngjae asks excitedly.
Jaebum wonders where all the sadness had gone, but he didn't press it because gosh seeing Youngjae happy was the best thing in the world.

"Of course he is! He'll be here on Christmas too. You know that Jae," Jaebum smiled, caressing the other boy's cheek.

Youngjae grinned wider and Jaebum swore the boy's tail brushed against him multiple times as it was wagging so much.

"I love you hyung, love you so so much."

Jaebum's heart swelled.

He'd definitely love this boy forever and ever.

... And probably always give in whenever Youngjae made those irresistibly cute puppy eyes.



a/n: so yeah, i finished it. why? cause i don't really have any motivation for this fic. it's been literal months since i've updated anything but i felt i needed to at least finish this and do it cutely!!!! i hope you liked this ending, sure it wasn't amazing and probably is rushed but i couldn't do it any better.

although! i might make a christmas themed epilogue, since they discussed it so much in this chapter, i'd feel bad without one. so maybe a huge christmas party for the last update?? thoughts??

anyway thank you so so much if you're still reading this, i know a lot of people stopped because wow keki can't update hahahaha.. but i still love you guys so much thank you all ❤️

(i might update my other ongoing 2jae, saviours, sometime soon so look out for that too!)

(1.1k words, unedited as always)

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