Its been a month that I chanced upon the magical world of Manik and Nandini. It's such a pity that the personal equations between the cast turned so sour that an epic story of love and friendship had to untimely die out. However, I feel they (Manik...
The moment he entered his room, Manik started exploring the guitar, the same way a child explores his new toy. He ran his fingers over the strings and for some reason it felt like the most natural thing, like he had been doing this for ever. Manik had no clue about the things he used to do before his memory loss, but his dad had told him that he had always been inclined towards business. Why then, did he not feel any warmth when he stepped into his father's office for the first time or every time thereafter.... the warmth that was overcoming him now, that same warmth that he felt with Nandini. Yes, all of this was new for him, these kaleidoscope of feelings, the sweet taste of happiness that lingered on his lips unconsciously, but there was more to it than the mere novelty. Music pulled him and this pull was too strong for him to defy, as if it wanted to lead his lost soul to wherever he actually belonged, much like Nandini.
Perhaps, together they would take him home.
Manik typed 'how to play guitar' on his laptop and some 56,400,000 results popped up. He checked the first couple of sites where he found a chart of all the chords and strumming patterns, almost like the multiplication tables we memorize in school. No this wasn't helping. He shut the laptop down
"But I don't know how to play.."
"You would know.."
He closed his eyes and let his instincts guide him. His fingers started moving bit by bit and with every stroke they became more & more fearless and even before he could make sense of what was happening, a tune started flowing in from nowhere, a tune so pure that he had goosebumps all over. It wasn't he, it couldn't have been him, someone, some indescribable power was playing through his fingers.
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He felt like dancing, he felt like singing, he felt like jumping... infact, he didn't know exactly what he wanted to do, apart from thanking her, his pole star.
He wanted to tell her about the magic he had just witnessed. He opened his text box to send her a message but saw 54 unread from Nandini, no from his Nandini. She had been frantically trying to reach him.....if only he had been a little more sensible.
He lied back on the bed and started reading through them, one at a time. Sleep, the same sleep that used to torment him for nights on end, now came running to snatch him away from his new found LOVE.
It was almost midnight when Mr. Malhotra finally made it home and the first thing he did was to check on his son. His staff had informed him that Manik had been looking out for him. He was worried. Hardly ever, did Manik ask for him, unless he was sick or in some trouble. He hoped it was neither of that today. He briskly walked up to Manik's room and found his door ajar. He peeped in. The love of his life, his son was sleeping peacefully like a child. Tears started clouding his vision... when did his baby boy grow into such a handsome man? He was happy, truly happy to see his son finally at peace with himself. He thanked his son's new friend in silence. Whoever she was, he was grateful to her for this, this sight that he had been waiting for, since eternity. Earlier in the day, he had been worried about going on a month long business trip, leaving Manik alone. He wasn't sure if Manik could manage alone, but now seeing him like this, he knew, Manik would be fine. He turned off the lights, closed the door and returned to his room.