Sentenced To Hell: Forever In Tears 2

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“Are you Miss Jade Sanders?” He asked flipping through papers that were on a clipboard.

“Yes.” He took me by the wrist and led me into a room. It was like a court room you could say and I was sat down at one of those tables. I read a plaque on the desk that said Purgatory. And I froze looking around and tugging on some guys sleeve who just so happened to be standing next to me.

“So this place is real?” He looked at me with a shocked expression and then smiled softly.

“Oh you must be Jade. Yeah this place is real,” He started while taking a seat next to me. “I was just as shocked.”

“But-but what’s going to happen?” I asked worriedly.

“Now look sweetie I’ve been in this business a long time,” He sighed looking off to the side for a few seconds. “30 years Earth time actually. I was 27 years old when I died. It was a car accident. Folks and I were going to see a move and well I was in the parking lot walking to the theater and some drunken guy came along and crashed into me.” My eyes slowly started to tear up before I said out.

“That’s terrible.” And then I let him finish.

“Well my point is Jade. I did nothing wrong. You know I had a wife and a kid back down there and I probably won’t see them again unless I get lucky and get one of their trials or something.” His speech kind of drifted but I did my best to make it out. “So I ended up in Purgatory like everybody does but you see God gave me a chance. I always wanted to be a lawyer and I was just finishing up school when all this happened. He gave me a chance to be who I wanted to me and sent me up to heaven so I could learn.”

“So mister what do you think will happen to me?” I stopped looking at him now and focused on the rest of the room and what it was like.

“Please call me Charlie and well judging by what I know about your case you could get sent to Hell.” I tensed up real bad and almost had a heart attack.

“Hell?” I said quietly and questioned him. Then another door opened and I saw my mom walk into the room.

“Ah here’s your mom now that must mean the case is starting.” So I sat there, and I sat there. The case was very confusing and I was getting really scared as it was starting to be my turn with the whole ‘Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’ thing. (me: yeah I did forget what that was called.)

When it finally was my turn I really didn’t want to make things worse than they already were so I just said what I had to say answered questions and left.

Weird thing is the case was only a day and not like a month or anything like it was back on Earth.

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