Chat #2

482 31 35

Steve: ;-;

Clint: Could you stop typing that?
           I've been watching you send that for your past ten messages, just stop bro

Steve: But I'm sad

Clint: Because your best friends went on a road trip without you?

Steve: Both of them. Can you believe that?

Peter: Lol, I can

Steve: ;-;

Clint: You're just a party killer. You always say things like no snacks after supper and language

Steve: That's just who I am

Peter: You're like a mom

Clint: XD

Steve: I'm not a mom

Bucky: You're in a community book club

Steve: The ladies are nice! And hey, I'm mad at you >:(

Bucky: Noo...but Steeeevvveeeee

Steve: Not talking to you

Bucky: You can come on the next trip

Peter: Hehehe

Bucky: What?

Peter: What? I said nothing *whistles to myself*

Bucky: ...

Clint: K

Wade: Aww, why wasn't I invited on the trip?

Bucky: Um...

Wade: Yo Steve! What do you say we hit the road ourselves? :D

Peter: And me???

Wade: You're always invited

Peter: :D

Steve: I don't really know you...

Clint: And he's allergic to profanities

Steve: I am not allergic

Clint: Bullshit

Steve: ...
I'm leaving

Steve Rogers has left this chat

Peter Parker has invited Steve Rogers to this chat

Peter: Lighten up dude

Bucky: Don't go bro. I love you
In like, a hetero kind of way

Tony: Everyone screenshot this StarBucks moment for the presses

Rhodey: Done ^^

Vision: I have done it as well, sir

Steve: What is this, like your possy, Stark?

Wade: Well I read that as something else

Peter: Lol

Bucky: Isn't Starbucks a coffee place?

Tony: Sure but StarBucks - yes that is with a capital B - is a ship name. Otherwise known as Stucky, but that reminds me of maple syrup so I disapprove of it

Bucky: It's the name of a ship?

Rhodey: As in a relationship pairing. It means you and Steve

Steve: But we're not in a relationship

Tony: Not yet anyway. And by the way, could you hurry up with that? I swear, I could singlehandedly save the world from an alien invasion before you two admit your feelings for one another

Loki: Challenge accepted

Peter: Well technically, Bucky did kind of admit his feelings


Tony: Wait, no Loki, I don't need an alien invasion again
         I thought you were retired

Clint: I aaammmm

Rhodey: Yeah for like 12 minutes

Clint: Shut up

Loki: I was going to start an alien invasion and then I remembered it requires effort. You're off the hook for now Tony. I'm retired again :D

Rhodey: You and Clint are literally the same person

Clint: Except I have better fashion sense

Loki: Pfffffffftttttt, well I have

Clint: Please, your hair makes you look like a rejected mop

Peter: I spit out my drink

Bucky: But we know who really has the better hair here *wink wink*

Thor: Me. I do

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