Chat #8

213 19 11

Loki: Ugh

Am I Asgardian yet? :D

Thor: I take offense to that

Wade: I didn't really ask

Loki: I have to leave Madagascar

Thor: Why?

Loki: I accidentally set the trading district on fire

Tony: How did you manage to do that?

Loki: Uhh
I'd rather not say
But I'm about to board the plane now

Thor: So where will you live now?

Loki: The UK. And if that doesn't work out, I'm going to Australia :D

Peter: Why not come to America?
It's where the rest of us are

Clint: Stay as far away from here as possible

Peter: You're such a poop

Steve: Can't we all just get along?

Wade: Nah bruh

Steve: :(

Natasha: Steve, are you ready for that double date?

Wade: So soon? D:

Natasha: You're not coming

Steve: Just one moment
I have to find my tie

Wade: I've been cheated D: D: D:
How dare ye

Peter: Lol, we all know you'll just crash their date anyway

Wade: True

Rhodey: Bring me some scones

Wade: You got it Rodeo ;)

Thor: Guys
I just created a MySpace
I feel important :')

Peter: You're only like ten years late

Clint: It's older than Spiderkid over here

Peter: NO it's not actually

Thor: Whatever. Some lady is messaging me already
Oh wait
It is a man

Rhodey: Say hi

Thor: Guys, the conversation is becoming creepy

Peter: It's been like five seconds

Wade: That's MySpace for ya
Ok, I have a double date to ruin

Thor: He's asking me to meet him at his friend Juan's place
Who is Juan D:

Clint: Ask him for the address

Peter: Dooo iitttt

Rhodey: Lol, this chat is full of terrible influences

Vision: Except me

Sam: And I'm not that bad of an influence

Clint: I'm like the worst influence
Lol, don't come to me for advice

Peter: Can't you at least empathize when things become personal?
Like that Uncle Ben joke >:'(

Clint: I legitimately don't give a shit
I'll send you a family size box on your birthday, fucking test me

Sam: Savage

Rhodey: Get rekt n00b

Thor: It seems I now have an arrangement over at Juan's house

Sam: Bring your hammer

Rhodey: Both of them if you know what I'm saying ;)

Thor: I should just not go

Rhodey: NO you're going
You agreed to the arrangements
It's like making a pinky promise
It can't be broken

Peter: MySpace makes it even more official
Trust me

Thor: Oh no

Vision: What if this man and his friend Juan have innocent intentions
Like debating politics over a cup of tea

Clint: I'm going to choke from laughing as much as I just did

Wanda: Hi guys

Vision: Ahhh
I mean
Ahh, Wanda, you're here

Clint: K

Wanda: That I am
What's up?

Vision: Um, uhh

Sam: What he means to say is will you go on an outing with him?

Wanda: Like a date?
Is this true, Vision?

Vision: Ahm

Peter: I believe that translates to 'hell yeah'

Wanda: Okay :)

Vision: O

Peter: I ship it

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