Chat #7

226 19 11

Robin has joined this chat

Peter: D:

Robin: D:

Peter: D:

Robin: D:

Wade: ..|..

Natasha: ...
Oh, I get it


Robin: I don't know how I got here

Peter: Well leave

Wade: Bye Felicia

Robin has left the chat

Clint: The social security agency doesn't accept "savior of the world" as being a real job
So they denied me retirement benefits

Peter: HA

Clint: Shut up
So now I have to get an actual job
And then officially retire afterwards
The pain

Natasha: What job are you going for?

Clint: Something that doesn't require much time, or effort, or commitment
Or any sort of work

Peter: Clint, what do you think a job actually means?

Wade: I know a place

Natasha: What sort of job doesn't require time, effort, or commitment

Wade: Well there's this one movie theater that's still hiring
And like, no one goes there because it's on the "bad side of town"
So you're basically doing nothing. You could not show up and they'll probably still pay you

Clint: And what's my risk of getting shot?

Wade: Like 110%

Clint: K
I can do that

Natasha: Wait, Clint no

Peter: You gon die boi

Natasha: Shut up kid

Rhodey: You better work with one eye open

Sam: I mean, you guys say these things
But Clint will probably flood them with arrows sooner than they can pull any trigger

Clint: Lol, yeah
That's me

Steve: I'm in love

Tony: With Bucky?

Steve: No -_-
With Sharon <3

Natasha: I'm guessing the date went well
Maybe next time you two and Bruce and I can go on a double date :D

Wade: And I can be the awkward fifth wheel

Peter: Tbh, I thought Bruce and Tony would end up together before Bruce and Nat

Rhodey: True

Sam: Have you seen them science together?
It's a borderline threesome

Tony: Why are you guys talking about us
StarBucks is supposed to be the OTP of this group chat

Peter: Maybe your split with Pepper was a cover up for where your heart truly lies
In the bone-crushing hold of the Hulk's murderous fists

Wade: Smells like all the fanfictions are just waiting to be served

Rhodey: I'd read them all

Bruce: You people are weird

Wade: And you get big and green when you're on your temper tantrums, so back off boi

Peter: Back off boi

Wade: This is our shipping turf

Peter: Ours

Bucky: Okay

Did you hear?
The date went so well

Bucky: That's great

Sam: All that enthusiasm, jeez Bucky

Bucky: Sorry
I'm just conflicted

Rhodey: About?

Bucky: I don't know
I think I'm gaining more memories
Steve can I talk to you privately?

Steve: Sure


Peter: Hey guys, check this person out

Peter Parker has invited Nightcrawler to this chat

Peter: Welcome


Wade: I don't think he's online
That or he already hates us

Clint: I wouldn't blame him honestly

Loki: ^^

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