Chat #11

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Peter: I've never seen a fight so brutal

Sam: Scarred for life

Rhodey: I still have tears in my eyes

Peter: You never understand the true meaning of "painful to watch" until you've seen Nat and Bucky spar off

Steve: Okay, Tony and I have taken them to the hospital
They should be fine

Tony: So who exactly won?
We kind of betted money on this

Steve: I don't think there is a clear victor

Rhodey: Bucky totally won that

Clint: Nonsense
Did you see what Nat did to his...

Peter: To be fair, he did twice that on her

Wade: And she came back with an ultimate finish

Peter: But so did he

Wade: The lady one. Deal with it Parker

Peter: won*
And they both nearly died
So maybe like Steve said, there is no winner
And you should all just give the money to me ;)

Loki: I cant get those images out of my head
Guys, what do you think they'll do after they get out of the hospital

Sam: Certainly hate eachother more than before

Bruce: How do you guys just arrange a fight?!

Wade: Oh Bruce, you missed it
You should be grateful


Sam: Here we go

Thor: Well I'm back off to Asgard
Good luck with that

Tony: My tower is off limits to any giant, green, angry monsters

Wade: Ahhhh
Guys, he's after meeee

Peter: Don't panic

Loki: Well Wade is dead

Rhodey: RIP

Clint: Okay, I shot him with a couple dozen tranquilizer darts
He's not going down D:

Sam: Okay, I'm out
Ah, I'll just fly somewhere myself

Wanda: And I thought I was the weird one
But you guys
Is this really what you do with your lives?

Loki: It's an off day

Steve: The only person who can calm him down at this rate is Nat
And she's nearly dead

Peter: But we have Wanda

Wanda: What

Peter: You can manipulate Bruce into seeing Nat

Tony: That idea isn't half-bad kid

Steve: Do you think you can do it, Wanda?

Wanda: Eh

Rhodey: Eh?

Wanda: Yes, eh

Peter: You said yes, HA
Now go go
Make us proud

Loki: Don't die

Vision: Please don't die

Peter: Awww

Rhodey: Awwwwww


Clint: ...
Aren't you supposed to be dead?

Wade: Shut up, you're ruining the ScarletVision moment

Wanda: I shall return

Wade: x_x

Peter: It's slowly becoming my OTP
Sorry Stucky, you're falling behind

Steve: You ought to ship Staron
Or is it Sheve?

Rhodey: Sheve, lol

Loki: Let's not forget the crisis here

Rhodey: Tony denied his big green boyfriend access to his tower?

Loki: No
Well yeah
But no

Peter: Have you guys realized Tony x Bruce = Truce
Or Brony
Those ship names are perfection <3

Clint: The kid is actually right

Peter: HA

Rhodey: To be fair, any ship with Tony has a good name

Loki: Why is mine different???

Clint: Why isn't mine there?
Oh wait, lol, I don't really care

Peter: Toki is kind of better than Lony
Sounds like lonely
Or looney

Loki: Point taken

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