Chat #5

231 23 18

Charles Xavier has invited Magneto to this chat

Charles: You could've just used your actual name, Erik

Magneto: Magneto is cooler

Charles: But we're all friends here
I think

Clint: Except I don't make friends

Charles: Oh


Peter: So how about that weather we're having?

Tony: Can anyone explain all that rubbing going on earlier in the chat?

Peter: Oh, Bruce made a typo and Clint and Wade just got out of hand

Magneto has left the chat

Clint: K

Peter Parker has invited Tobey Maquire to this chat

Peter Parker has invited Andrew Garfield to this chat

Peter Parker has invited Tom Holland to this chat

Peter: Lol
War it out

Tony Stark has kicked Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland from this chat

Tony: You're gonna be next Parker if you don't tone it down
You can't mix their universe with our Marvel universe, kid
Or bad things happen

Wade: Ahh, I'm melting D:

Peter: Oh no

Wade: Nah, it's not you
I was standing too close to the oven

Bruce: I regret making that typo earlier

Wade: I don't

Charles: Why did Erik leave? :'(

Peter: Dude, can't you go into people's minds? Just listen to his thoughts

Charles: That would be a huge violation of privacy D:

Tony: Just do it

Wade: Yesterday you said tomorrow

Peter: So just

Nick: AVENGERS, the city needs you

Peter: Ahhh, my first mission

Phil: What

Peter: Didn't you hear? I'm an Avenger now

Nick: Whatever
Make your way to the top secret location

Tony: Ugh

Peter: Uhh
What's the location?

Tony: Follow me


Wade: So um...
Who's still here?

Clint: I am

Rhodey: Yo
Oh shit
I don't even know where the location is

Tony: I sent the coordinates to your suit

Vision: I'm here

Wade: Aren't you an Avenger?

Vision: I usually don't go on missions

Wade: Why not?

Vision: They've got enough brute force
Meanwhile, I get Stark's place all to myself :D

Clint: How many times have you invited Wanda over ;)

Vision: I don't understand

Wade: How would he even
You know

Clint: I'm sure he has his ways

Loki: If I'm correct, Vision is a synthetic human, not an android, so you know
He can

Vision: D:
I won't

Wade: Oh you will

Loki has invited Wanda Maximoff to this chat

Loki: Invite her

Wanda: Guys, I'm kind of going on the mission with the others

Wade: This'll be quick

Vision has left the chat

Wanda: Sorry, I have to go

Clint has invited Vision to this chat

Wade: What was that?

Vision: I panicked

Loki: I had higher hopes for you

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