Chat #13

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Steve: Why didn't she just go with Richard? She deserved so much better

Loki: Alright then

Steve: Oh no
That was supposed to go to my book club group

Loki: You have a group chat of middle aged moms

Steve: I said book club

Sam: Which just so happens to be full of middle aged moms

Steve: -_-

Loki: So who's Richard

Steve: It's complicated...
Oh no

Bucky: What oh no

Steve: They put me on brownie duty

Rhodey: HA

Steve: Buck help me
I can't bake

Bucky: Why me

Steve: Because you're my friend

Bucky: But I can't bake

Sam: I caaannnn

Steve: Alright, come over to my place

Wade: Ooh la la
Can I come over too?

Bucky: No

Wade: You weren't even invited

Bucky: I'm always invited to Steve's place
Even when I'm not, I am

Peter: WADE


Peter: WADE


Loki: LOKI

Stupid keyboard

Peter: Mighty thot

Wade: Mighty THOT

Loki: Mighty thoT

Bucky: THOT

Thor: Shut it

Peter: Shut the Thor?

Loki: I think you mean shut the THOT

Wade: I chime in with a haven't you people ever heard of
Closing the goddamn THOT, no

Peter: It's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of gods in Norse mythology

Rhodey: It's obvious who our musical geniuses of the group are

Tony: Singing was banned from last time

Clint: Yeah so shut up
And NO dance

Peter: We just can't hide from the music inside

Wade: It's in our blood

Clint: Take your blood elsewhere

Natasha Romanoff has added Scott Lang to this chat

Natasha: He really wanted to join

Peter: SCOTT

Scott: PETER

Peter: SCOTT

Scott: PETER

Wade: Have I been replaced? :'(

Peter: Noooo
We're just bug bros

Scott: Yeah my ants got in touch with his spiders and we just met up

Natasha: That's not how it works

Peter: Be quiet Nat, you weren't even there

Natasha: -_-

Wade: So I'm still important?

Peter: Yup

Wade: :D

Sam: If anyone wants brownies, come to Steve's place
We accidentally had too much batter

Wade: Coming right over

Peter: Bring me some

Scott: And me

Thor: I'd like a brownie

Loki: Ship em to the UK

Wade: Guys this is food we're talking about
All for one

Peter: But no one for all? :(

Wade: Nada

Loki: I cri

Bucky: Why don't you just buy brownies

Scott: Because Steve's are free

T'Challa: But I'm so far away

Wade: T'Challa!!!

T'Challa: Ahhh

Wade: I'll ship some to Wakanda for you

Peter: Oh come on
T'Challa don't fall for it
He only wants to get intimate enough so he can wear your suit as a costume for Halloween

Scott: *gasp*

Wade: How dare ye

Peter: There I SAID IT

T'Challa: Still, free brownies
I mean
Just don't stretch it



Natasha: I think I'm just going to leave now

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