PART I : Just Around The Riverbend

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Chapter 1


Today was the day. Another great adventure awaiting me and all the members of The Virginia company. Even a few new recruits would be joining us on the mission. And why are we leaving you might ask? Because it is a mission assigned by king James himself, All us men are riding the waves all the way across the Atlantic to the new world for riches, prosperity, and my favorite part, adventure. As I walk across the cobbled street and hoist myself onto the canon being loaded on the ship I hear the other men singing a tune.

"For glory, God, and gold in the Virginia Company!"

The canon lifts off the ground and I brace my feet against both ends while holding the ropes as it lifts off the dock and onto the ship. The spring breeze rushes past the sails and rushes all over me, rippling my clothes and ruffling my shaggy blond hair.

"Are you comin' on this voyage too?" shouts a red bearded man below on the deck of the ship.

"Of course he is yah half wit!" says the black haired man next to him, I think his brother,"You can't fight Indians without John Smith!"

"That's right!" I shout at them, " I'm not about to let you boys have all the fun!"

Suddenly a hear a crack and the rumbling of a carriage approaching. Ratcliffe's carriage. He steps out onto the street where a row of soldiers await on either side of the path to the ship. He has a rather pompous shape and a "I couldn't care less look on his face. The general deal with a wealthier person. He sports his usual purple outfit and hat. His henchman Wiggins follows him out of the carriage, carrying his little gray dog Percy, who wears the same purple hat as his master, on a purple cushion.

I look down at the water and see the ships green, blue, red, and white colors reflecting brilliantly off of the surface of the river.

Almost as soon as Ratcliffe, his dog, and Wiggins are aboard, the lines are cast off, the sails are let down, and we are off for the new world. final goodbyes are shouted from the wives and families of crewmen aboard. I walk to the front of the ship and lean against the mast, looking in the general direction of the new world. My crew mates and I rejoice at the splendor of what will be accomplished and they give out one last shout,

"For glory, God, and gold in the Virginia Company!"

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