Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


All of the men and I stand in a line on both sides of the gangway, every other man holds a yellow, green,or red flag. we wait for a while as Ratcliffe prepares to come outside and make his announcement. the morning sun has risen and it's almost ten AM. The sun already starts to make us sweaty as we stand in position, especialy me since I am in my armor. Beter safe than sorry. Or sweaty than sorry, although I think I would much rather endure pain than baking in the sun all day waiting for Ratcliffe.

Finally the large purple man exits from the rear deckhouse of the ship carrying the Union Jack on a pole. He stumbles on something resting on the deck and tries not to make a big show of it but the other men and I see the pain on his face. Their faces turn red to contain their laughter, however Thomas knows he should be trying to set a good impression in the Governor and looks straight forward.

Ratcliffe walks down the gangway and onto the dirt. With more drama than necessary he plunges the end of the pole into the soft earth and says,

"I hereby claim this land, and all of its ritches, in the name of his majesty King James the first, and do so name this settlement Jamestown.

Ratcliffe stands there for a moment, likely for effect as the men cheer and then walks towards me. "Captain smith," He says, "It appears We've selected the perfect location ey?" Not a savage in sight,"

I hate to rain on his parade of glory but I must add,

"Just because we don't see them doesn't mean they aren't out there sir,"

"Well," He responds,"Then perhaps you should venture forth and determine their whereabouts,"

I was correct about raining on his parade. His smile diminishes.

"If there are any Indians out there I'll find them," I say

With that I march into the woods. I hear the Governor in the distance,

"Now gentlemen, to work,"

I walk into the woods until I come to a creek, likely the same creek we rowed down earlier. I follow the direction it flows for a while until I come to a part thin enough to jump across, or so I thought. I land with a loud splash about two feet from the other side and I'm instantly sucked down and popped back up. I sit up in the creek quickly. My blonde hair falls into my eyes and water pushes savagely against my back. I stand up and this time make sure my feet are securely planted before walking to the other side of the creek.

"John, John, John," say, "You're getting a little too sure of yourself these days,"

I push my hair away from my eyes and venture forth into the woods. I've been mapping before and I've always been one of the best, but after three days it will get pretty dull. But this land is different. Who knows, it might take me four days to get bored of this place!

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