Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I grab my basket and walk with Nakoma far up the hill to start picking corn for the warriors, except I don't actualy pick any. I just sit and think. I think about the lightning weapons, I think about a possable war, but most of all I think of John Smith. I don't know why he fills my mind. We only met yesterday, and it seems I cannot get him out of my head. MaybeI do feel something special, but I must refuse such silly thoughts. No-one such as him and I could be together. Love at first sight? nonsense. It would be to complicated anyway. Cause far to many problems. It would most likely make the tension even worse between our people. My father startles me from my thoughts.

"Pocahontas," he says as he rustles between the stalks of corn, "You should be inside the village,"

I stand, and tilt my basket upwards so he can't see I've only picked one piece of corn. Nakoma shoots me a quick look of suspision and covers for me.

"We'll be alright," she says, "We're gathering food for when the warriors arive.

"Don't go far," replies father, addressing both of us, "Now is not the time to be running off,"

I reply with as much obediance and innocence as possible, to avert any suspicion.

"Yes Father," I say with a smile.

He pauses a moment before speaking again.

"When I see you wear that necklace, I think you look just like your mother,"

I look down at the necklace. I can't tell If I hate it, because of Kocoum, or treasure it because of my mother.

"I miss her," I reply, still looking at the beauty of the necklace. It glistens in the sunlight.

"But she is still with us," says Father,"When the wind moves through the trees I fell her presence. Our people look to her for wisdom and strenght. Someday, they may look to you as well.

The thought of this bewilders me, and all I can say is," I would be honored by that,"

The part the bewilders me the most though is the fact that my mother could be the very same wind that whispered in my ear when Grandmother willow told me to listen with my heart, The same wind that led me to the strange clouds, the same wind that led me to John Smith. Would she want me to follow him? Does she think it would be safe for us together?

"you shouldn't be out here alone," Father finishes,"I'll send for Kocoum,"

Nakoma waits until father is out of sight until she begins to speak.

"Alright, What is it?"

"What?" I reply all to innocently

"You're hiding something,"

"I'm not hiding, anything!"

"Pocahontas you can tell me, I promise I wont tell anyone,"

Suddenly her eyes dart behind me and she gasps. She quicly pulls me into the row of corn on the left and pushes me downwards.

"Pocahontas, It's one of them! I'm going to get help!" she whispers.

"Keep your mouth covered!" I say

i stand up and peer into the space between the row of corn. All I have to see is that yellow hair to recognize John Smith.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask him.

"I had to see you again," he replies.

"What?!" shouts Nakoma stumbling from the corn.

Kocoums can be heard in the distance, "Pocahontas?" he shouts.

"Please don't say anything," I whisper to Nakoma with a pleading look on my face.

"This way," I tell John Smith.

I grab his wrist and we dart off into the corn. I can faintly hear Kocoum in the distance. "Where is Pocahontas?" he asks.

We don't stop running until we are well into the woods. We find a good branch about seven feet up in a tree that extends over the river to cross on. It takes John Smith only a moment longer than it takes me. Once safely over the river we head straight in the direction of Grandmother Willow.

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