Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


It's almost been five months since we left England. Some of the crew have become tired of the same routine but I think it has been an adventure so far none the less, and I can tell more adventure awaits us due to the storm on the horizon. With nothing to do I go below decks to play cards with red beard and blacktop, who's names I now know as Ben and jon. After about half an hour of card playing and me winning three rounds of kings corners I hear the storm hit. Ben, Jon and I are summoned above deck with the rest of the crew. I immediately know where I'm going and quickly climb the ropes to the sails to help get them tied off.

Wind tears relentlessly at the flags and sails. After realizing the desperation of the situation I quickly change my mind from "adventure" mode to "Be serious we may drown" mode. The shouts of the other men can barely be heard over the thundering waves and screaming wind. The ship rocks at dangerous angles, her bow lifting above one wave and smashing full in to the next. It's almost impossible to see, after twelve second most of the crew is completely drenched.

As soon as I finish tying off the lines I hear a shout from down below. "John! Get down here! The canons are breaking loose!"

I know right away it's Thomas. I've grown rather fond of the lad since we left London. I quickly slide down one of the snapped ropes from the mast ninety feet to the deck below, giving myself a minor rope burn on the way down.

"breach the topsails!" I shout back at the crew up above.

I run over to Thomas and shove the canon back into place with the assistance of Thomas

"Don't worry," I say, "We'll get 'er tied off,"

Suddenly a huge wave smacks against the other side of the ship, at least thirty or forty feet tall.

"Wath out!" I scream at Thomas, but it's too late. I hold onto the ropes but Thomas is caught off guard. The canon smashed a big enough hole in the rail that Thomas slips over the edge of the deck with it.

"Help!" he screams as he plummets into the ocean.

"Man over board!" Shouts the lookout from high above in the mast.

"Stay on course! He's lost!" shouts Ben.

"Pull the pin!" I shout over the rain. On my command someone does and I tie the rope around my waist. I run faster than I ever have before to the rear of the ship and without a second thought, I jump.

The water is colder than I would have imagined, but I could care less right now. I paddle as fast as humanly possible to Thomas, both of us are being pummeled by the waves but I grab him under the shoulder and around the chest with all my might and I feel a sharp tug where the rope is secured around my waist. I grab on with my right are and hold tight to Thomas with my left as we are lifted from the water by men from the decks above.

"Heave!" shouts Ben.

As soon as we reach the top deck I grab onto the rail and haul Thomas and I over it and aboard the ship. We land with a dull thud.

Thomas's green hat slips from his head onto the deck and I slap it back on. "That was refreshing," I say, being only partially sarcastic. The storm has almost completely died down and only the usual rock of the ship can be felt although lightning can still be heard in the background.

"Well done Smith," Jon congratulates me.

"Of course, you would all do the same for me,"

"sure, of course we would! Absolutely,"

"Trouble on deck?" asks Governor Ratcliffe out of nowhere, Percy cradled in his left arm, Wiggins peeking over his shoulder.

"Governor Ratcliffe!" Thomas says surprised, he's always about first impressions, and I'm surprised this is the first time he's seen Governor Ratcliffe since leaving London.

"Thomas fell overboard sir," I answer

"Thank heavens he's been successfully retrieved, well done Smith," He says.

"Thank you sir," I reply.

"Don't lose heart men," Ratcliffe says,"It won't be long before we reach the new world, and remember what awaits us there. Freedom, prosperity, the adventure of our lives, You're the finest crew England has to offer and nothing, not wind nor rain, nor a thousand bloodthirsty savages will stand in our way, carry on men!

The men give out a jubilant shout and Ratcliffe walks back to his room in the rear of the ship.

"A stirring oration sir!" says Wiggins."I'm sure the men were most exhilarated," He says, umbrella flipping inside out in the wind.

Ratcliffe mumble something inaudible and retreats to his room, Wiggins at his side.

* * *

Thomas begins to speak. "This new world is goin' to be great John, I'm gonna get a pile of gold, big me a build house, and if any Indian tries to stop me, I'll blast him!" He says gesturing towards the canon that I'm helping him tie down.

"You just worry about that fortune of yours," I say, "Leave the savages to me,"

" Do ya think they'll give us much trouble?" asks Jon

"Not as much trouble as Smith will give them!" exclaims Ben. He sticks a feather in the end of a mop, flips it upside down, and pretends the threads are the Indians long, dark locks."We'll kill ourselves an injun," He sings.

"Or maybe two or three!" I join in, slashing the end, or head, off of the mop with my sword.

"We're stormin'in and formin' the Virginia Company!" everyone shouts, starting the song in the same spot we left off five months ago.

"what do you suppose the new world will look like?" Asks Thomas as we climb the rope ladder to the mast.

"Like all the others I suppose," I reply, "I've seen hundreds of new worlds Thomas, what could possibly be different about this one,"

I rest my elbows against the wooden railing of the lookouts post and from down below I hear the last words of the song.

"For glory, God, and gold in the Virginia Company!"

And we sail further into the mist...And into the unknown.

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