Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I arrive earlier in the morning than usual at Grandmother willows trunk, and to my surprise John Smith is already sitting upon her stump. John Smith smiles and pulls me up. I don't realy need any help but according to his people it is "proper etiquette."

"Good morning," we say simultaneously

"This morning, I'm going to teach you something that I barely know," I say.

John Smith's look becomes curious.

"Just over a week ago, Grandmother Willow was helping me try and interperet a dream." I continue," It actualy happened to be the same day your ship arrived. I couldn't interperet very well, so Grandmother Willow told me about the spirits that live in the water, the earth, and the sky. She says if you listen, they will guide you,"

"I don't hear anything," says John Smith.

"She didn't tell me to listen with my ears,"

"What other way is there to listen?"

"With your heart,"

"With my heart?"

"Shhh...they're speaking to you. Close your eyes, it helps,"

Again I hear the faint whispering that turns into distinct words, and then into a song.

John Smith opens his eyes and looks all around. He seems completely baffled.

"Who was that?" he says

suddenly I realize Grandmother willow is staring down at us. I feel so guilty for not remembering to introdue her again!

John Smith catches my gaze and follows it to Grandmother Willow's face and sees the slightest glimse before it fades again.

"What was that?!" he shouts.

"Did you see something?" I ask.

I know that most people are limited in seeing Grandmother Willow. She only talks or shows herself to the people she likes or trusts.

"No, I just, I, I didn't see anything," he continues, but he sees the mischevous smile on my face.

"Did I?" he saks.

"Look again," I say.

This time Grandmother Willow chooses to let John Smith see her. Her face slowly re apears from the tree.

"Hello John Smith," she says.

"Pocahontas," says John Smith,"The tree is talking to me,"

"Then you should talk back, say something!" I say.

"What do you say to a tree?"

Anything you want!"

I push him closer to Grandmother Willow and he's at a loss for words.

"Come closer John smith," she orders, pushing him closer with her vines. She stares intensely into his eyes for a minute before breaking the silence and declaring,"He's got a good soul, and he's handsome too,"

"Oh I like her," says John Smith, already over his intimidating first impression.

"I knew you would," I say.

We spend a while on English and Powhatan etiquet before the sun reaches about mid-day.

John smith is bidding us farewell when suddenly I'm taken from my present state of carelessness and remind myself that the worriors will be arriving any day now at our village.

"John Smith," I say


"When will we see eachother again? there's something very, very inmportant we must discus,"

"Meet me here tonight after sunset," he says. After that he takes of into the woods in the general direction of his people's new village.

After he has disappeared Grandmother Willow exclaims, "Well I haven't had this much exitement in twenty years!

"What am I doing," I say,"I shouldn't be seeing him again, but I want to see him again,"

"Who wouldn't?" she replies, "I want to see him again!"

"I know it's wrong, but something inside of me is telling me it's the right thing,"

I start playing with my hair and don't even ralize I've been braiding it until it's finished.

"Maybe it's your dream," Grandmother Willow says.

"Do you think he's the one the spinning arrow was pointing to?" I ask.

All Grandmother Willow does is give me a sly look as if she's known all along.

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