Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


These visitors that came with the strange clouds are so strange, some of their hair is as orange as the sun, some as blindingly yellow as a fire, like the one that has wandered away from his tribe at almost the same time every day to go into the woods. Everything he sees he marks down with a small stick onto a flat, white, surface. The material is almost like cloth, it bends and he holds it up to the light, I can see right through it.

I've followed this man on his path through the woods for four days now, and every sound he hears he turns to, sometimes drawing a shiny but sharp blade from his boot.

Father has forbidden anyone in the village to go near him, but father doesn't have to know. He probably thinks I'm running free throughout the forest as I usually do. So if I told him I was running through the forest, it wouldn't exactly be a lie.

I follow the man as he walks slowly, taking in his surroundings. These strangers are almost exactly like Kaykata, the village wise man, described. Their bodies,or clothes rather, glisten and shine against the sunlight.

He carries a long wooden walking stick with gray pieces made into it, but doesn't use it. Instead he holds it on his back with a strap of leather that goes around his front. He's muscular, and kind of handsome I must say, he might even take on Kocoum!

I nearly laugh at my own joke but then I remember the man is still there and hold it in. I came close enough to getting caught four days ago when Meeko waved right at me. Thank goodness Flit rushed out to save the day. I hear the rush of water and the air starts to become a bit more misty, the plants more dewy. We must be near the waterfall and stepping rocks.

The man disappears down the other side of the hill so I jump up and follow him. He jumps from the edge of the river to the nearest rock that lays a few feet from the base of the waterfall. He's a bit more agile and quick than I thought.

I stay up near the top of the waterfall and stay hidden behind one of the larger trees. I barely peek around it to see him splash his face with water. Meeko comes prancing right by without noticing me and rushes straight to the yellow haired man.

"Meeko!" I whisper.

Flit grabs meeko's tail between his beak just ion time. Meeko submits to the pain and lets Flit pull him behind the tree.

I peek my head back around the tree to see what the man is up to next, but He's gone. I crawl sneakily through the grass until I reach the bottom of the hill.

The sun is suddenly blotted out by the clouds and it gives the waterfall a mysterious appearance. I stand for just a second at the bottom of the hill to jump to the first rock, but squat back down as soon as I land.

I still see no sign of the man. Way faster than I thought, I think, But who knows, he may be watching me right now,

I stand to jump to the next rock. Stand, jump, squat, wait. Stand, jump, squat, wait. I reach the fourth rock and stay squatting for a moment, thinking I heard something from behind and suddenly, the man with the blonde hair jumps from behind the waterfall with a loud splash and lands on the rock nearest to me on one knee. He points at me his walking stick, That must be the weapon that spouts fire Kaykata spoke of, I think, This man will surely kill me,

A sudden gust of wind sends my hair flying. I stand with dignity. If I am to die by these strange visitors, I will at least die with courage. But as I prepare for my death, the man lowers his weapon and stands. My black hair whips behind me and in front of my eyes.

The man steps off of his rock and sinks just past knee deep in the water. he starts to approach me. He takes off the shiny thing on his head and extends a hands to me. My mind was stuck for a moment, but all at once every part in my body screams at me, Run.

I take off, leaping across the rocks to the other side of the river. Flit buzzes past my ear and I hear Meeko scampering along behind.

I jump from the last rock and land on the soft earth. I take off and run as fast as I can. I run past trees and shrubs, bushes and animals, but I don't slow. My clothes become snagged and I have to free myself.

a thudding sound is coming from behind and the man shouts something I do not understand. I keep running and running until I'm about a mile from the waterfall. I come out near a clearing where one large and lonely tree sits. I pause for a moment and wonder where my canoe is but remember it's hidden on the other side and I rush for it.

I jump into my canoe and Meeko isn't far behind. I pick up the paddle and begin to shove off from land.

The man shouts again,he is closer now. I turn to see him and he is only about thirty feet away. He rests his weapon against the lonely tree and says another indecipherable word.

The man slowly makes his way closer and offers me his hand. Is he trying to help me?

"I don't understand you," I say

He says something else in gibberish, and re offers me his hand. I stare him in the face and he smiles a brilliant smile. I go through a moment of indecision but I take his hand and with his help step out of my canoe.

As soon as our hands touch, the wind starts to pick up, slowly at first, but getting faster. I begin to hear a soft tinkling, that turns into syllables, that turn into words, that turn into song.

"Listen with your heart," The voices say," You will understand,"

I smile back up at the man and concentrate on what he is saying. I listen. I listen harder and harder. suddenly the leaves roar around us in circles and the singing grows louder in my head. I listen closely to the words the man says.

I can almost understand what the man says next. It comes out to me as mostly gibberish, but I understand the words who and you. I understand what he's trying to communicate, so I answer him.

"Pocahontas," I say.

"What?" asks the blonde haired man, "What did you say?"

I understand the man completely now. Clear as crystal. I answer him.

"My name is Pocahontas,"

I say it in his language it seems strange on my tounge. He responds to me with a simple gesture and says,

"I am John Smith,"

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