13- I Need A Distraction

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Being friends with Jayda is pretty fun. She's a really interesting person and she's pretty cool to hang out with. We've been hanging out for the past week a lot and I've learned that she's nineteen, she is in the middle of three other sisters, she volunteers at the animal shelter, she's vegetarian, and her on/off boyfriend is named Gavin. They are currently on.

She loves animals' rights and animals from afar but when it comes to dealing with them one on one, she isn't so great. Like with the dog walking, she struggles but at the shelter, with the dogs in cages or in a closed yard, that's where she thrives.

And tonight, we're going out. To where, I have no idea, but it's some kind of night club. She'd given me the name of the night club but I've already forgotten it. She'd told me that she'll pick me up at the hotel with Gavin and then we'll all drive to the night club together with some other people who I have never met.

I'm really excited to be going out tonight for a few reasons. The main one being that I haven't really gone out anywhere except to the grocery store or to a seafood restaurant on the beach ever since we arrived at this hotel. I need to hang out with people my age... or at least relatively my age. The other reason that I'm going out tonight is because things have been weird with Vincent.

He said that they shouldn't be but they still are. I don't think that it's because he asked me out, I just think that after he said that he was fine with us not going out, I got upset that he was fine with us not going out. And I know that's ridiculous because at first, I was fine with us not going out. But now, I'm not. And that confuses the crap out of me and so I've chosen to ignore it. And by ignoring that problem, it causes me to ignore Vincent.

Only for a little while, until I stop feeling confused and then we'll go back to our spontaneous and comfortable little chats.

Until then though, I need a distraction.

I'm not sure if this distraction is going to be me just going to dance at a nightclub or maybe I'll find some guy to dance with. I don't know but I just want to go have fun so we'll see what happens I guess.

I'm not dressing up too much for the occasion, just wearing a girly romper with the top part being white lace and the bottom part being a floral pattern of blues, pinks, and purples. The bottom is flowy and pretty much looks like a dress except it's pretty comfortable and the shoes only have about a two-inch wedge heel so they're also comfortable.

I did my hair and my makeup but it was subtle so it didn't take me very long to get ready. Right on time, I'm downstairs to meet Jayda downstairs. Lionel is working at the front door of the hotel so I offer him a small wave but there's another employee standing right beside him and in fear of being told on, he just nods at me a little bit before I'm walking away to get to Jayda.

I see a large black truck roll up to the front of the hotel after I'm waiting for a few minutes and when the window rolls down, Jayda's purple hair falls in front of her face but I do see her full lips spread into a bright smile.

"Hey, good lookin'! Hope in," She calls to me.

I hurry to the truck and get into the small backseat. Inside of the truck, Jayda is sitting in the passenger side and there's a guy driving who is probably Gavin, her older boyfriend, along with another guy sitting in the back beside me.

"This is Gavin," Jayda introduces me, motioning to the driver who is now leading us away from the hotel and down the beach. He looks older and I remember Jayda saying that he's twenty three. He has dark stubble on his jaw and chin, he's pretty muscular, and when Jayda says his name, he doesn't look away from the road but does offer me a quick wave of his hand. "And this is his friend, Drake."

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