28- You're Very Perceptive

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With my dad busy with work at the hotel and my mother taking Dylan to and from his young entrepreneurs club, they asked me to go to the home improvement store to pick out some paint swatches to redo the kitchen in the home that we're going to move into. I agreed simply because I enjoy the home improvement stores and also because Vincent is off of work so he was willing to go with me.

"What about a bright ass orange?" He suggests, picking up the paper with four shades of a bright, ugly orange color.

"Stop it," I push his hand away with a small laugh. "This has to look nice."

"I thought that you weren't going to move in to that house," He reminds me. "So why are you so invested in picking out the perfect paint color?"

"That was an empty threat, it's a beautiful house," I sigh, looking at some of the beige colors. "I'm still not talking to my mom really but we'll figure things out. I don't know how they expect me to pick a color when they haven't even gotten a backsplash yet."

"Go pick out a backsplash too then," He suggests, mindlessly taking my hand in his as we stand in front of all of the colorful paint color samples. "And if they don't like it, they can come back and get what they want."

"That does sound like fun," I decide and Vincent starts laughing like I just said something funny but I really meant that so I shove his shoulder. "Shut up, I'm serious. I feel like I'm some kind of HGTV designer or something, let's go look at backsplashes."

"Sure, whatever you say, nerd," He teases me as we head over to the kitchen redecorating area and find the sample backsplashes. I've always been excited by home improvement stores, looking at all of the fake kitchens and going through all of the carpet swatches on those giant book things.

They have one for sample backsplashes too that we start looking through. "This one would be really nice," I say, pointing to a white tile. "It would look really cool with black cupboards. Or we could do this colorful backsplash with a neutral paint and maybe a dark wood cupboard."

Vincent is just staring at me for a few moments, looking very amused at me.

"What?" I ask him after he doesn't say anything for a while.

"Nothing, I just didn't know that you got so geeked out over interior design," He tells me.

I just shrug at him. "I watch a lot of HGTV. The black and white is too modern for my mom, I think. What about this one?"

The backsplash that I'm pointing to now is a blue-gray color shiny tile and I think that it'd look good with a light blue paint and white cupboards with maybe a black countertop. I think that my mom would really like that and she's the one that'll probably spend the most time in the kitchen.

"I was right," He tells me with a wide grin.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him as I take a picture of the backsplash so that I'll show it to my mom later and see if she likes it.

"That you're going to be an artist," Vincent continues to explain. "An interior designer."

"No I'm not," I negate with a small laugh at how ridiculous that is.

"Why not?" He challenges me. "You look like you're having the time of your life right now."

"Because I..." I don't have a good answer for that until I remember one very intimidating thing. "Art schools are really competitive."

"So? Babe, if you like it then you should definitely go for it. If it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out," He tells me and when I still don't say anything, he adds, "Just try. Put together this kitchen from ceiling to floor and see if you like it and if you don't then it's just a failed experiment and you can call me an idiot."

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