22- Freckles are Normal

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I know that I've said that I want to wait to sleep with Vincent. I think that with how different our views are about relationships, I think that if we sleep together before we're both completely sure about how we feel, it'll just complicate everything and I don't want that to happen. So we've both agreed to just wait but when we made that agreement, I don't think that we realized how incredibly hard it would be to keep our hands to ourselves.

The day after I have lunch with my parents, I'm spending the day with Vincent in my room. He spent the night with me last night but it was innocent for the most part and now that Vincent doesn't have work today and I don't have anything planned, we've pretty much just spent the entire day in my bed watching movies and making out.

And now, just a little before two in the afternoon, we've given up on watching the scary movie that we were watching and we've fallen into each other again. Just making out like crazy on my bed without a care in the world.

After kissing my neck, Vincent suddenly stops kissing me and looks up to lock his eyes onto mine.

"What?" I ask him after he doesn't say anything, he just keeps looking at me with what looks like amusement in his eyes.

"You have a freckle on your boob," He says, running his thumb over the soft skin of my cleavage that is now easy to see considering I'm only wearing a thin camisole over my bra.

"Yeah," I trail off, not knowing why he's pointing this out right now.

He grins at me with a very beautiful grin. Now that we've stopped kissing for the moment, I'm taking this time to catch my breath and Vincent is doing the same. "It's adorable," He adds.

"Freckles are normal," I defend. Since he's laying over top of me, I push him off and then spin us around so that I'm straddling him. He's already shirtless so I run my fingers lightly over his chest. "You have freckles too."

"On my boobs?" He wonders jokingly.

"No," I laugh loudly as I lean down and start peppering kisses on his "boobs". "There are no freckles on your boobs."

"That's because it's weird to have freckles on your boobs and you're a weirdo," Vincent insists teasingly.

"Well, since my boobs are so weird, I'll just cover them up so that you don't have to look at them," I inform him, grabbing the blanket from beside me and I hold it against my chest.

"No, no, no," He says quickly, pulling the blanket away from me. "I love your weird boobs."

"I know you do," I say with a loud giggle as he pulls me back down on top of him and just to emphasize how much he loves my freckled boob, he peppers a few kisses on my cleavage before his lips are on mine again and we're making out again.

After our lips have been moving together for a while, he starts kissing my neck again and as he does that, he mumbles against my warm skin. "You're so beautiful," And it makes me blush. My face is already red from the heated hour we've had but I can feel my insides churning with how adorable he is.

I don't do it on purpose but with my hands on his back, I squeeze a little and push my nails into his back some, causing him to elicit a groan. Knowing that bad things will happen if he starts groaning like that, I move my hands to his sides instead. His lips return to mine and it's even more intense than the last kiss. I know that we're falling down a path that will be hard to return from but my will power is at exactly zero right now.

Just as I'm sure that I'll have to pull a condom out of my nightstand, my phone starts ringing on the bed beside us. Barely even hearing it, we both are willing to ignore the ringing until it stops and starts again so the person who is calling obviously won't stop until I answer.

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