31- It's Working

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The next day, I spend the entire day running around to make tonight perfect. I've decided that I'm going to take Vincent out on a date and we'll finally get enough privacy to sleep together. He has the second shift today as the lifeguard but I talked to Jeffery and asked if he could call in Mackenzie instead. She accepted the shift but I haven't told Vincent yet so that I can surprise him when he gets here to work.

I have everything set up at the vacant house because I know that my parents will be here at the hotel and there's nobody else that should be at the house so there's almost no way that we can get interrupted.

When it's almost three, I get dressed in a blue and purple floral dress with matching blue bootie heels and I do my makeup and my hair too. I say goodbye to my dogs, grab my small purse, and I head downstairs.

I wait by the door that leads out to the pool and I hope that Vincent wasn't early because if he's already out there, that'll be kind of awkward when he sees Mackenzie there, taking the shift that was supposed to be his.

Luckily, I don't have to wait by the door for very long before I see him walking through the lobby and he's already seen me so he's looking at me curiously with a small entertained smile on his face.

"Why are you all dressed up?" He asks me when he gets to me, kissing my lips as a short greeting

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"Why are you all dressed up?" He asks me when he gets to me, kissing my lips as a short greeting. "I mean, you look gorgeous but I have to get to work."

"I'm taking you out," I inform him, looping my arm through his to lead him toward the front door that he has just entered to get into the hotel.

He frowns in confusion. "Babe, I have to work."

"No, you have to come with me," I assure him. "Trust me, I've got this all planned out."

Vincent grins at me then and kisses my cheek. "That's why I'm dating the boss."

I laugh and we walk together to my car as Vincent asks me where we're going but I don't tell him. It's not a fancy restaurant or anything, just a beachside steakhouse down the beach that my dad had found so he takes us there a lot and it's pretty good.

"Okay, well if you're not going to tell me where we're going, can you at least tell me what the occasion is?"

I shrug at him as I'm driving. "Just that I love you."

"That's it?" He wonders suspiciously.

"Yes," I say with a laugh. "That's it. Can't I just take you out because I love you?"

"Of course you can," Vincent decides, reaching over to put one of his hands on my bare thigh. My dress is pretty short so his thumb starts tapping my inner thigh absentmindedly. It's a good thing that I shaved this morning. "It's just suspicious."

"I'm not going to ask you to marry me or anything," I assure him. "We're just going to dinner, you're being so paranoid. I figured that we could use a night out and I'm impatient so I didn't want to wait until your day off."

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