You Need a Ride?

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Rating: H for Hitchhiking 

Pairing: Two girls, but it isn't really romantic in nature ?

Based off of: The four word prompt "You need a ride?" and my love of night driving

Other notes: I love girls


Running a hand through my greasy black hair, I yawn.

It's almost 8PM, and I've been driving since 7AM this morning. The sun has already gone down despite how early it is, which is the only indication that it's winter out here in the middle of the desert. I haven't passed another car in ten miles. It's almost eerie how quiet it is out here. Well, anyone else might find it eerie. With the amount of cross country trips I've made in the dead of night, it barely even phases me anymore. Barely.

Sand, sand, and more sand can be seen in all directions, an occasional lone cactus adding a bit of variety to the horizon. I turned the radio off a few miles ago because I started to get a headache, but I'm starting to regret that decision now, hopelessly bored and a tad bit lost. At this rate, I'm never going to make it to my mom's house by Thursday.

Suddenly, a pale figure in a long blue dress and a baseball cap interrupts my boring view of the desert skyline. She has a single thumb extended into the road. I wonder how long she's been standing like that, waiting for someone kind enough to pick her up.

I slow down. She could be a murderer. Or a robber. But chances are that she's just a normal person in a dark place. As a person who's been in a few dark places myself, I can't help but empathize with her. I flash my lights, letting her know that I'm going to stop for her.

I roll my window down slowly, leaning over the gear shift so she'll be able to hear me. As my dull brown eyes meet her sparkling blue eyes, partly shrouded by her stringy blonde bangs, I can't help but feel like I've made a good choice. Now that I'm closer I can see that her dress is a night gown of sorts, and she carries only a beaten brown backpack, one of the straps barely hanging on with a good bit of duct tape. "Need a ride?" I ask casually.

She looks a bit on edge, but equally exhausted. "Yes, please."

I unlock the door and she nearly throws herself into the passenger seat, slumping down in a tired manner. She wears dirty brown combat boots with thick socks underneath, an indication of a long journey. I extend a calloused hand to her. "I'm Ash." I offer as conversationally as possible.

She meets my hand with her own, delicate but worn, nails chipped. "Cassidy." She supplies. "Mind if I eat?"

I smile as warmly as the situation allows. "Feel free."

And she does. As I begin to drive forwards, she pulls her backpack into her lap, grabbing a granola bar from within and chewing on it hungrily.

We sit silently for many minutes, the night growing longer. When she finishes her snack, she shoves the empty wrapper back into her bag haphazardly and says quietly, "Thanks for the ride."

I sit for a moment, trying to formulate a response, but as I turn to tell her that she's welcome, I find that she's already fallen asleep, head against the window.

"You're welcome." I mumble in her direction anyways. "Anytime."

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