I Love You

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Rating: K for Kinda Sad

Pairing: Two girls

Based off of: I'm in a place with a lot of big open fields so naturally my mind turned to gay cuddling in a big open field

Other notes: I spent like 20 damn minutes trying to figure out how to end this and the ending STILL doesn't satisfy me so RIP


As we lay there in the grass, hands clasped together, I turn to her and press a soft kiss to her lips. "I wish it could stay this way forever."

She laughs gently, and begins rubbing her thumb against mine. "Don't wish for something so unrealistic. If you allow yourself to fantasize about something so impossible, you will only find yourself woefully disappointed by reality."

I roll closer to her, resting my head on her chest. "It was only a thought." I mumble.

She pets my hair gently, running her fingers through it. "And it was a beautiful thought." She adds. "But it is not meant to be. After all, you are betrothed."

"I don't want to think about him." I mutter into her.


We sit in silence a while longer, listening to the wind blowing through the grass and watching the clouds float by. The silence is eventually broken by her soft humming. I listen, squeezing her hand. She knows how I love her music.

"Do you have a title for that song?" I ask quietly as she finishes.

"I believe I aim to call it 'Mourning.'"

"Ah, as in the time of day?"

"As in the kind you do at a funeral." She replies with a smile.

My eyes widen slightly. "But it didn't sound like a sad song."

Her hand begins to lightly pat my head. "It is a wedding song."

"For my wedding?"

She does not reply, but her silence is a better response than words could provide. "I'm sorry." I manage to whisper.

She sits up, forcing me to sit up as well. She grabs my chin, making me look into her eyes. "You haven't a thing to apologize for." She assures me. "It is your parents who deserve my wrath."

"I don't love him." I say out of nowhere. "I love you. And I will always love you. I would give anything in the world if it was our wedding instead of mine and his."

"Then run away with me."

It's sudden, all too sudden, and so ridiculous that I begin chuckling lightly. The smile runs away from my face as I realize she means it.

"There is nothing keeping you here. I have the resources to take us far from this place. Europe, perhaps. Or Africa. Somewhere where we will not be found. It's exactly what you wished for, is it not? That we could stay this way forever."

I look away from her. I can't meet her eyes anymore. "Mei..."

She stands up. "I know."

"Wait, Mei, I--"

"Don't. I understand, but that does not console me."

I stand up as well. "You know that I would if I could. I would love to. It sounds beautiful. It's a brilliant plan, but I have a duty to--"

"Your people. Your parents. Your husband. I know."

I frown involuntarily. "He's not my husband. Please don't call him that." I place my hands on her cheeks, rubbing softly, trying to coerce her into looking in my eyes. "A husband is someone you love. I don't love him. And I never will. I love you, Mei. Please look at me."

She does not look at me. She grabs my wrists, lowering my hands to my sides. "I must return to the palace. I have been absent for long enough. Surely my parents will wonder where I have wondered off to."

"I love you, Mei."

"Goodbye, Zhao Xing."

That evening, as I lay in bed with a man I do not love, I think of Mei. I idly picture Europe, and her and I there together. I imagine us standing by an ancient fountain, perhaps in France, and I imagine her taking my hand and kissing me in the middle of the street, not caring who sees. I remove the scene from my mind before it becomes too real to me, too unattainable.

After all, someone wise once told me not to wish for something so unrealistic.

It is not meant to be. 

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