True Self

52 3 2

Rated: C for Cheating (yikes!!!) and R for Real short! and and C for Cursing, heavily

Pairing: two gals

Based off of: Hm who knows? I was feeling the angst

Other notes: It's a breakup


"I guess that I'm... Sorry?"

"That's the best you can do?" She growled. "I knew you were a pathetic sack of shit, but is that REALLY all you can say? After everything you've put this family through?"

I giggled. "You don't have to be so dramatic. It isn't that big of a deal."

I could feel her trying to stay calm in front of her kids. "It's a big deal to me, Trisha." Her voice suddenly dropped to somewhere lower, somewhere sadder. "You promised me."

"I don't really know what you were expecting." I managed to mumble. "I haven't kept a single promise I've made to you, and we both know that damn well."

"Jane, Caleb, go inside."

The kids obeyed, running back into the apartment. Penny closed the door behind them.

"Wow, Pen. Sending the kids inside before you kick my ass? Don't want them to see your true self?"

I saw the slap coming, but I made no move to avoid it. "You make me the farthest from my true self of anyone I know. Don't even try to fucking suggest that my true self is the hellish bitch you turn me into. You--"

I slapped back. "Fuck you. If me going out and getting high one fucking time turns you into a hellish bitch, you were probably already a hellish bitch to begin with."

"ONE time?!" She was yelling now. "It's been more than one fuckin' time, Trish! When it was only one time, I invited you back in! And I did the same thing the second time, and the fifth time, and the dozenth time, and the fiftieth time, but guess what! You never change! You never fucking change!"

Our next door neighbor, Mr. Ramirez, was now standing in his doorframe watching us with an unamused expression.

I barely even noticed. For some reason, everything was funny to me. "Penny, you need to grow the hell up. Yeah, maybe I get high more than I should. So what? You watch soap operas more than you should. And your mom pulls her hair out, and my dad drinks, and the kids cry more than normal kids. Nobody is normal in this family! Nobody is perfect! But I make a lot more money than you do, and the kids have a roof over their heads and food on their plates, so what are we even arguing about? Of course I'm not perfect. You can't ask that of me!" By now, I was laughing unabashedly. "You're so fucking childish, Penny!"

She was sobbing. "Call me childish for wanting a lover who doesn't get high and cheat on me and treat me like shit. Call me whatever the hell you please. At least I have a bed to sleep in tonight. And you, Trisha? You have a motel room, if you can even find one to rent this late."

She started turning. Mr. Ramirez wasn't the only spectator we had; Lacey Doyle and Vrusha Patel had also stepped out of their apartments, silently watching, silently judging. "Wait!" I called.

Penny turned to look back at me. She scanned my eyes for a trace of regret, a sign not to slam the door in my face. I cracked into a smile. "Can I at least grab my phone charger before I go?"

And with that, she shut the door behind her. I heard the click of the lock. I stood for a moment, along with my nosey neighbors, silently processing what had happened. And one by one, we all went on our ways. They turned, closing themselves back into their apartments. And I set off down the street. I wondered if Motel 6 was still open at this hour.

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