[9.] Confessions

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Alex's P.O.V

Here I am in a position I would have never thought I would ever find myself in. Cuddling with a girl I have no idea how her lips taste like and here I am enjoying every second of it. Inhaling her scent is intoxicating. This simply has me hanging on a thread from falling to a place where I will have no self control. A place where I would let go of myself and stop holding back. Giving myself the rare luxury of just letting myself taste every inch of her delectable body.

Just the thought of doing that is driving me crazy yet I dont want the feeling to end. Ever. I want to feel like this every second of the day. I want to feel her warmth, her soft skin and more. I want to see her smile and see the cute face she makes when she is confused. I'm sure she is unaware how beautiful it makes her look when she scrunches her nose when she is confused. Or how her eyes narrow when she is mad. All these simple reactions I have been noticing when she is with me.

Like I said, I don't need any clarification for what I feel for her. For a guy who only noticed girls boobs and asses, noticing these simple actions she does unconsciously makes it crystal clear that I like her. More than like her. This girl started from just being a girl I wanted to f*ck. To a girl who was constantly on my mind and having me unable to work or hook up with any other girl without imagining it was her.

I had to act like a freaking arrogant, heartless jerk just to try keep her away and hopefully stop my restlessness and what I felt towards her. Yet that didnt do anything but make me feel bad and intensify my feelings because seeing her hurt made me want to do everything in my power to make her happy. I know forcing her to be with me is not the right way to do it but I have no other alternative now. I have to work with what I have now because I am certain if I let her go now I would never get another chance of having her with me like this.

And being with her like this drives a warm feeling in my chest. Seeing her calm state makes me want to protect her from anything and everything. I don't want her to feel any sort of pain. Just the thought of someone hurting her makes my fist clench.

Weird much considering the fact that I have only known her for a week but I know that I have never felt like this with anyone before. Yet one thing is for sure, I want to continue feeling this way because it is exhilarating. All the girls I have been with are predictable. I mean all they see when they see me is money and more money. They will try seduce me and flaunt whatever they have to get me in bed and that's all. But Sammy, she surprises me. One second she is being polite and the next she comes out fierce as hell. Heck! She doesn't even try as so much as flirt with me.

I mean is she blind or what? I'm the freaking most wanted bachelor in New York!

Just looking at her right now as she stirs closer towards me has me fighting the urge to take her as mine right now and have her begging me for more.


"Sammy please stop doing that okay."

Dammit Sammy!

She is rubbing her cute ass up and down my crotch and it's not helping at all.

"Hmmm... Yes?" Why won't she quit it. I know she has no idea what she is doing right now but still, just hearing her say that has my mind racing.

"If you don't wake up right now and stop what you doing, you will have to calm down the beast you are awakening right now. And there is only one way to do it which I am sure you would like Miss Davis."

"W-would you stop poking me Ale..." Realisation kicked in as she squirmed out of my hold and fell off the bed. Her face was flushed as she suddenly found interest in staring at the floor.

"U-uhmm I really am sorry Mr Waters I wasn't aware of what I was doing."

Why won't she call me by my name?

"I think we have passed the stage of formalities considering what you just did to me Samantha." Her face just changed from depicting embarrassment to irritation within a few seconds.

I wonder what she would look like if I pleasured her?

"Like I said, I apologise for that. I wasn't aware I was doing that."

"You seemed pretty aware to me. Considering the fact that you were awake when you did that." Right after saying that I knew just by the look in her eyes that this was going bad. Fast.

"You know what? Believe what ever it is you want okay? I don't care. Besides, you would care less about what people have to say when you have already made up your mind. All you care about is yourself and your own personal gains."

"You said it right Miss Davis. 'My own personal gains' because if you are with me I know I will be gaining a whole lot. So forgive me for trying to hold on to a good thing I may lose easily. I'm going to take a shower if you will excuse me?"


Hey guys,

Just updated another chapter so please continue reading. Vote and Comment!!!!


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