04. The Killjoy

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Kathy found a solution the moment she stepped out of the club and saw the crowd gathered in front of the door that lead backstage.

Kelly stood there together with what looked like half the audience who had lined up to see the band and mingle with them.

Greatful for a familiar, friendly face, Kathy headed towards her.

"Where are all the guys?" she asked the moment she reached her best friend.

"Oh, you scared me," Kelly said, clutching her chest. "Sonia and Dustin are together, so there's no point, you know. You decided to show up?"

"I was wondering if we could go home together," Kathy said sheepishly.

"Sure, after the party."

Ah, crap. "Could it be before the party?"

Kelly glared at her. "Wasn't Donnie supposed to take you home?"

"He's drunk," Kathy admitted, then bit her lip. And has lipstick stains all over him. Her eyes glazed over again and she fought back tears. She hated crying, hated being weak, but with the anger gone, all that was left was pain.

Kelly's expression softened and she seemed torn between helping her friend and hanging out with her crush. As if to save her from making a decision, the door opened and Joey came out, grinning like a maniac.

"After party at my house!" he yelled. "Just follow the yellow Camaro and you'll get there. We'll be leaving in five."

The crowd cheered and everyone rushed towards the parking lot and to their cars. Kelly didn't move, but stared at Joey with puppy-dog eyes. He stopped half-turned in the threshold and looked at her curiously. For a moment, they just stared at each other, and Kathy half-expected an avalanche of confetti to fall over them and the theme to Love Story to start playing.

Joey finally snapped out of his trance and smiled. "Aren't you coming?"

Kelly began to nod, but frowned and looked at Kathy. Kathy's stomach churned. Great, she now felt like she was standing in the way of true love. But she had to get home. It was close to midnight already and who knew how long the party would last? She really didn't want to have to call William or her parents and make them privy to her relationship drama.

"I'd love to," Kelly finally answered. "But my friend needs a ride home." Her voice was so pleading, Kathy wondered if she wouldn't be better off walking home. It would probably take her two hours, but maybe it was worth it.

"If I find a ride for your friend, will you come?" Joey asked.

Holy hell, Joey likes Kelly, too. Kathy shifted her weight, trying to decide what to do.

"Listen, if you can't find anyone, that's okay. I'll manage somehow."

"Oh, no, don't worry, I have the perfect solution. Come on in, girls!" Joey motioned to them and stepped inside.

Much happier, Kelly bounced in his wake while Kathy followed, dragging her feet. She felt like a complete intruder.

The room behind the stage was tiny and stuffed with couches, cabinets and instruments. The couple, Dustin and Sonia sat tangled on one of the couches, while the long haired guy was putting his guitar away in its case.

"Hey, guys, emergency," Joey said heading for a whiteboard in the corner. It was filled with what looked like lyrics, but Joey wiped it clean in seconds. "This is Kelly." He gestured towards her and wrote her name down for everyone to see. Kathy thought Kelly would faint with delight. "And her friend..." He tilted his head questioningly.

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