19. First times

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After watching a light hearted comedy, they all stepped out for some stargazing. The sky was bright an clear, the air crisp and cool, and the only sounds were the mild breeze through the leaves of the trees and the song of crickets. Kathy stretched out on the patio next to Kelly while the boys went downhill to check on the lake.

It felt so good to be surrounded by people who wanted to make her laugh and obviously cared about her. People who didn't judge her and throw her reproachful looks as if the entire Donnie incident was somehow her fault. For a few blissful hours, she even forgot it happened, and she was sure she would forget again.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Kelly asked all of a sudden.

"Of course not," Kathy answered, her eyes fixed on the stars above. "This is just what I needed. A new place and distractions. I actually feel much better."

Kelly let out a deep breath. "I'm so happy to hear that. That was the whole point."

"Was it?" Kathy twisted to face Kelly, propping her chin in her hand and resting her weight on her elbow. "You and Joey are sharing the room."

Even with the weak light coming from the living room through the glass wall, Kathy could see her friend blush.

"He was a bit too obvious with that one."

"Is that why you're here?"

"Oh, Kay, don't hate me," Kelly said desperately. "And please don't judge. I know it's early, that we've barely been dating a month and a half, but it feels right, you know?"

"I'm not judging. I kept him waiting for three years and look how that turned out," Kathy mumbled.

"Why would you keep him waiting for... Wait, do you mean... You and Donnie never...?" Kelly's mouth fell open as Kathy nodded. "Really? Wow! I was sure I was the last virgin in school."

Kathy let out a bitter laugh. "Looks like I'll be the last virgin in school now. I think it's part of the reason Donnie and I ended the way we did. And why he cheated on me with Darla Hansen."

Kelly's jaw dropped again and she shook her head as if that would attenuate the shock. "Donnie cheated on you? That asshole! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it was hard for me to handle and I didn't want you encouraging me to break up with him. Because, at that time, I stupidly believed we could bounce back. Because..." Her voice cracked. "Because I've been such an idiot."

Kelly moved closer and wrapped her arms around Kathy. "You're brave and strong and not an idiot. You guys were together since forever. It's hard to break off something like that. But you did it. The hard part is over. Don't let Donnie ruin the rest of your life."

Kathy doubted that. The hard part began now, when she was alone and had to pull herself together. But after today, even if her parents weren't on her side, she realized she did have people in her corner.

So she nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I won't. But back to you and Joey..."

Kelly returned to her spot on the patio floor and gazed at the sky. "I know it's soon, but I really love him. Yes, I know it's soon for that big word, too, but I'm sure it's real."

Kathy didn't think it was too soon. Some people just knew. Joey and Kelly seemed like that kind of couple. "Did you tell him?"

"Yes. He said the words, too. First, actually." Kelly paused for a moment. "Two weeks into the relationship. He was really afraid he'd freak me out, but he said he couldn't keep it in anymore."

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