24. Tanner Ranch

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Tanner Ranch was a little way outside of town and stretched for acres. Kay had no idea how big it was or how rich Max Tanner actually was, but the town gossips liked to say the ranch was almost as big as the town and Max was richer than the president.

Kay never believed all that, but had to admit it looked impressive. The property was surrounded by a tall, grey stone fence that made it impossible to see inside. It seemed to go on for miles.

Kyle took out a small remote control, opened the tall wooden gates, and Kay got her first glimpse of the property. The drive alone seemed to go on for half a mile and led to the house. Most people called it a mansion, but it didn't look like one to her. It covered a lot of ground, sure, but it was just two story and painted in a pleasant cream color. There was a large patio with columns running to the side of it in a comfortable hacienda style.

There was no perfectly manicured lawn, but clumps of plants, trees and flowers spread between winding gravel paths. As Kyle drove around the house, she caught a glimpse of large stables and a huge paddock. In the distance, beyond the back fence, oil pumps dipped away merrily.

He pulled into the garage next to an orange Lamborghini and cut off the engine. "Here we are. Home sweet home."

Kay stepped out of the car and glanced around. Max also owned a huge Lexus SUV and apparently a Harley which rested next to Kyle's Ducati. The garage served as storage for a bunch of sporting equipment that looked used and Christmas decorations. Except for the fancy cars and motorcycles that probably cost more than her house, this garage was not too different from her own.

Kyle led her through a door to the left which brought them into a long, carpeted hallway. He strode towards the voices coming from a room on the left without giving her time to loiter and admire the paintings of desert and horses on the wall. She hurried after him, but stopped before she reached the door because she realized the people inside were speaking French.

It didn't faze Kyle, so he went through the door and the conversation turned into a woman's scream of delight.


"Hi, Maman. I'm so happy you came," Kyle said.

Kay frowned. She knew enough French to tell that Kyle called his grandmother mom. Which was both weird and understandable.

His grandma jabbered away in French some more. Could Kyle speak French? Apparently not, since he answered in English.

"That's okay," he said. "I actually brought someone... Um, Kay?"

Kay took it as her cue to join the conversation. She swallowed heavily, not really understanding why she was so nervous, and stepped into what turned out to be the kitchen. The room was spacious and cream, with an island in the middle and bar stools next to it. Counters and appliances covered the walls.

Max Tanner sat on one of the barstools, wearing faded blue jeans, a long-sleeved tee and boots. He looked startlingly young with his spiky blonde hair, light blue eyes and boyish face. He was tall, though fairly shorter than Kyle, and broad, and obviously liked to stay in shape. The woman standing next to him could only be his mother.

Tall and slender, her blond hair and blue eyes were identical to her son's. Fine lines stood out around her eyes, but she too looked too young to be a grandmother. Especially to a nineteen year-old. Her hair was caught in a messy bun on top of her head and she wore a fitting grey pantsuit.

Her adoring eyes tore from Kyle and Kay almost cowered at the intensity of her gaze. She felt like Kyle's grandma was scanning her to determine whether she was worthy to hang out with her grandson.

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