43. The Prom

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On the morning of the prom, Kyle found Kay on the balcony of her room, a cup of coffee in hand, nursing a major hangover. Kelly was inside, getting ready for breakfast, so he took advantage and sat next to her.

"Hey." She smiled lazily at him. "How was practice?"

Kyle stared at her. He'd expected her to be embarrassed by what had happened last night, but she looked so serene, as if nothing... Wait a minute. Wait one freaking minute...

"We actually met last night, remember?"

She frowned, then winced and touched her temple. "Ugh, that's right, Kelly said you brought me to bed. I'm so sorry. I think I made a right fool of myself. I don't remember anything past Erin literally falling under the table."

Well, shit. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Act normal. You love her. Show it. There was absolutely no reason for this to get awkward. So he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. She immediately cuddled under his arm. Yep, he could see himself doing this for the rest of his life.

"Still a sad drunk, sweetheart." There it was. It slipped again, but fuck it, he was done hiding and playing games.

She smiled, looking up at him. Okay, she should stop doing that because his chest was a second away from literally exploding with how much he loved her. How the hell had he managed to lie to himself that it was all platonic? There was nothing platonic about it. One sign, one small sign, and he was jumping her.

And there it was. Her eyes darkened the tiniest bit and her lips parted. There was no way he was misinterpreting this. She wanted it, too. He leaned over her.

"Hey, you guys ready for breakfast?" Joey called out. "

Kay turned toward his voice and Kyle's kiss landed on her cheek. Yup, Joey was dead.

"We need to get to our equipment too, cause some drunk assholes thought it was funny to play with our instruments." He stepped onto the balcony, a big silly grin on his face. It only widened when he saw them. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"What gave it away, Sherlock?" Kyle asked.

Kay looked from him to Joey then giggled. "I think I'll skip breakfast. My head is pounding and I'm not sure I can hold anything down."

"I'm not coming either," Kelly said from inside. "Not hungry."

"She's afraid she won't fit into her dress." Kay puffed her cheeks and crossed her eyes. It apparently did nothing for her headache because she winced and hissed like an angry cat.

She was beyond cute, but Kyle had work to do and she had a headache to lose until tonight. And it felt much more romantic to kiss her at the prom rather than while she was still having trouble not throwing up. Karma was a bitch.

Kiss her properly, that's what he meant. "Okay. See you girls tonight, then." He leaned over her and kissed her full on the mouth before victoriously striding out, like a boss, with Joey in his wake.

"Wait one single freaking minute." Joey actually caught up with him halfway down the hall and grabbed his shoulder to stop him.


"Am I hallucinating or did you just kiss Kay? On the mouth?"

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