39. Spring Break

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Spring break at Joey's uncle's cabin with the band sounded like a brilliant idea. One week of lounging around and having fun until they'd got back to studying for their finals which were annoyingly close.

Except the perspective kinda scared the shit out of Kyle, because he couldn't forget what happened last time they'd been at the cabin. And no, not Joey and Kelly getting laid, but his mind taking a complete detour towards the gutter.

Plus, this time, it was his big fat mouth without a filter, too. He'd actually called Kay sweetheart. Sweetheart. Out of all the non-cheesy, cool nicknames he could've called her, he had to go with sweetheart. But he hadn't been thinking. It just rolled off his tongue with ease, as if it belonged to Kay, and that's what scared him most. That his brain could no longer keep up with his mouth, with his hands.

Because he had no idea why he was doing these weird things. He was in a good place. Kay was in a good place. They were happy, comfortable and he didn't want to make it weird, especially because he didn't know why he did that stuff.

Despite all that, he found himself driving Joey's Camaro to the cabin with Kay riding shotgun while Joey and Kelly got comfy in the back. Dustin, Sonia and Vincent followed in Sonia's old Corolla. To Kay and Kelly's parents, they'd gone to Austin with the rest of the class. To Max and every other reasonable parent, they were two hours away from home.

"I can't wait to get there," Kay said excitedly. "I actually have a swimsuit this time."

"Great," he managed to say, turning up the air conditioning.

Once they got there, another problem presented itself. Two rooms and seven people. After much pleading and negotiating, the couples got the rooms while Kay, Kyle and Vincent were left to share the living area, the boys on the floor on mattresses and Kay on the couch.

It wasn't that bad, actually. They stayed up telling scary stories, laughing and joking, stargazing when the couples hinted that they needed privacy. It was like one huge camp with your best friends.

They spent the days by the lake, swimming and singing, joking and throwing each other in the water. Kyle was impressed by how good a swimmer Kay was. Actually he was more impressed with how hot she looked in a bikini, but decided to keep that to himself. But all her training was showing and he couldn't help but be proud of her, and a little of himself.

This joyful Kay, funny, straightforward and full of life, was nothing like the shadow that had been there last time. She lit up every room she walked into, put a smile on everyone's face.

So, even if he'd dreaded the vacation, as the last evening came rolling in, Kyle was sorry to go. He'd had a lot of fun and thankfully managed to keep everything under control.

Yes, Kay was amazingly hot and loved to cuddle against him, but that didn't mean he couldn't keep it platonic and just hug her back, laugh with her, push her in the water. Avoid touching her as much as possible when they were both almost naked. Simple things.

A part of him was glad to go and proud that he'd dodged the bullet. The other part wanted to stay there with her forever. As it was, they still had one more night of star gazing before them.

"Don't you find this annoying?" Vincent asked, leaning back on his hands and staring at the sky. "I mean sure, I love the stars and nature and all that, but still... We're right here."

"Nah," Kay answered. "We're used to it by now. I actually think it's really funny."

Kyle turned to her curiously. "How come?"

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