08. Love and Drugs

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Kathy was not disappointed. The moment she and Kelly entered the cafe, she spotted Joey and Kyle taking up a table for four as if expecting them.

Kyle had his books out and was working on a project, but Joey rested his head on his pile of closed manuals, looking just as dejected as Kelly. So maybe he wasn't subtly trying to shake her off, which made Kathy feel a lot better.

Kelly didn't bother to look around and kept staring at her boots. Heaving a deep sigh and preparing for what she had to do, Kathy squared her shoulders, pasted a smile on her face, and headed for the boys' table. Whatever it took, she wanted to see Kelly smiling again.

"Hi, guys," she said on the most cheerful tone she could muster.

Both Joey and Kyle looked up. Joey's face lightened up as he noticed them, mild surprise in his hazel eyes. Kyle, on the other hand looked relieved and, unless Kathy was imagining it, grateful.

"Hey," he said. "We meet again."

Kathy nodded and turned to Kelly who was staring at Joey as if he were an oasis in the desert. "Would you mind if we joined you?"

"Of course not." Joey knocked over half his books as he rushed to make room for Kelly who nearly threw herself next to him.

Trying hard not to burst into fits of hysterical laughter, Kathy took her seat across from Kyle and put down her books. She threw him a fleeting glimpse, but he was watching the table with a look of resignation on his face.

"Three, two, one..." he whispered.

"I can't do it!" Joey said, throwing his hands in the air.

"Me neither," Kelly said, tears streaming down her face.

And under Kathy's shocked gaze, Joey wrapped his arms around Kelly, pulled her into his lap, and kissed her like he hadn't seen her in ages. Kelly sunk both hands in his hair and kissed him back.

"Wanna take our work to the bar?" Kyle asked, already gathering his books.

"Yes, please." Kathy tore her eyes from the making out couple and followed Kyle across the room and to the bar.

They sat next to each other and for a moment, Kathy was afraid of what Cecily might say if she saw them, but almost instantly dismissed the thought. Why should she care what Cecily thought? Kathy had a boyfriend, and she and Kyle weren't even friends. More like forced acquaintances, there because their best friends were eating each other's faces off.

"Glad you showed up," Kyle said, stacking his books in front of him, but not opening anything. "For a minute there I thought you wouldn't and I'd have to stare at Joey's lovestruck face and listen to his pathetic sighing."

"Wait, you were here waiting for us?"

"Yeah. I'd figured Kelly would show up again."

"She wouldn't have. It was my idea to come exactly because I thought Joey might look for her here."

"He wouldn't have. I practically dragged him--" Kyle broke off and stared at Kathy.

All things considered, he had gorgeous eyes, she had to give him that. She'd never seen that shade of dark blue before. Then, out of nowhere, he started laughing. Kathy jumped. She'd never heard him laughing like this. It was a rich, honest sound which made her want to join him even if she wasn't in on the joke.

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