Fun facts

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Fun facts, what ifs and details

In random order. I'll revisit this in case I forgot something. Sometimes, I find stuff in my own writing much later.

💠All the girls Kyle has ever dated have a name starting with a C. Except for Kay, though Joey did initially spell her Cathy.

💠The last words Kyle and Kay said to each other were I love yous.

💠The prom was the last time Uncaged performed.

💠Kyle went to uncle Tom's cabin in the end because that was where Kathy disappeared and Kay was born.

💠Kelly's mom was so nice to Kyle because she secretly hoped Kelly would prefer him over Joey.

💠Kyle calls Joey Ashley because his last name is Wilkes. So after Ashley Wilkes from Gone with the Wind. Joey hates it because it sounds like a girl's name.

💠Kay didn't want to sleep with Donnie because she still thought of themselves as kids.

💠Kyle is very comfortable with himself because that's how Max raised him. He doesn't bat an eyelash when Kay calls him hot, doesn't feel mortified when Joey and Kelly walk in on him and Kay... Because he's that secure.

💠Kyle is an adrenaline junky. Having everything pushed him to seek thrills in places like Santa Venusia. He doesn't like Chucho, but he likes what he does for him. And in return, Chucho guards Max's warehouses.

💠Kay is an Aquarius. Kyle is a Virgo.

💠Worst traits? Kay is paranoid and Kyle is selfish.

💠The Harley at Tanner Ranch is actually Kyle's. The Ducati belongs to Max, but Kyle uses both.

💠Cecily never targets Kay because she showed compassion when Cecily was down. The queen bee is fair.

💠Donnie never cheated on Kay after that one time with Darla.

💠 Donnie's name used to be Danny but I like the name Daniel too much and the asshole didn't deserve it.

💠Jackson and Pete disappeared off the face of the earth because I completely forgot they existed. Needless to say, they moved to another school.

💠When Kay's mother claims that Kyle doesn't have a mother, he doesn't contradict her, because he actually feels like he has no mother.

💠Had Kay not gone to Erin's after the barn dance, she and Kyle would've hooked up that night.

💠Kyle fell in love with Kay (or started to) the moment she broke up with Donnie because that's when he saw all of her for the first time (Kay avoided talking about Donnie and was pretty stiff).

💠Kay fell in love with Kyle at Tanner Ranch, when she saw all of him for the first time.

💠If Cecily hadn't made him choose between her and Kay, Kyle wouldn't have broken up with her then. He truly believed he deserved her cheating for not paying attention to her.

💠Kyle never made the connection that Kay was the girl he'd stared at in the crowd.

💠Donnie and Kyle never see each other again after the prom. All the better.

💠In his twisted mind, Donnie truly believes that he and Kay are in love.

💠After what happened at the prom, Kyle doesn't speak to Max for five years.

Any other ideas/requests/things I might have forgotten to include, let me know. ;)

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