07. Whirlwind Romance

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Kathy was in assembly, listening to the principal explain the school's latest decision to take prom outside the school gym this year, when Kelly found her in the crowd.

"Joey asked me out," she said with bated breath.

"Really? That's awesome!" Kathy turned her attention to her best friend. It was about darn time, too. "When? Where?"

"Tonight, and he didn't say where. He said it's a surprise."

Kathy frowned. It was Wednesday. "It's a school night."

Kelly blinked as though considering this troubling oh-so-not-obvious news. "So what?"

Kathy pursed her lips. Kelly had a point. So what? She was the only one who still had a curfew and was only allowed out during the week with Donnie for protection. Kathy had always blamed William for it, for infecting their parents with his paranoia. They lived in a small town, it was safe. But the rule was so ingrained in Kathy by this point that she judged everyone who didn't abide by it. Which was dumb, really.

"I'm really glad he asked you out," she said instead of launching into a lecture. She could be cool.

Kelly smiled the brightest of smiles as the crowd started to shift. The principal was obviously done and had sent everyone off to class.

"So, you're going out with Joey, eh?" The girl in front of them turned around and Kathy recognized her as Sonia, the drummer from Uncaged. Her boyfriend was right by her side, one arm around her waist. "It means we'll be seeing a lot more of you."

Kelly blushed, but didn't answer and Sonia's eyes turned to Kathy.


"I'm good, I guess."

"Fixed your boyfriend troubles?" Sonia pressed on.

Kathy fought the impulse to stomp on Kelly's foot for making it common knowledge and nodded instead. Sonia frowned and scoffed. Which was really weird and rude.

"What?" Kathy asked, trying her best not to sound confrontational.

"I was hoping you ditched his ass. Since Kelly here is going to become an Uncaged girl, I was hoping to fill in the final spot." Sonia eyed Kathy up and down. "And you seemed like an okay fit."

Kathy just stared. What the hell was an Uncaged girl? Dustin seemed to pick up on her confusion because he grinned.

"That's what Sonia calls the girlfriends of the guys in the band. Except for me. I'm an Uncaged boy."

Sonia elbowed him in the stomach, though her expression had softened considerably. Kathy continued to stare, not sure if she should find Sonia's desire to include her rude or flattering. They hadn't even spoken before all this. How could Sonia claim Kathy was an okay fit for anything?

"So you were hoping I'd go out with the long - haired guy?"

Dustin and Kelly started laughing for some reason. Sonia just grinned as if Kathy was the most adorable toddler in the world.

"Vincent is gay, Goldilocks," she said.

"Oh." Well, that name was not dying any time soon. Besides, how the heck was she supposed to know that? But if Vincent was not available... "Then who exactly were you expecting me to hook up with?"

Sonia rolled her eyes. "He who crowned you Goldilocks."

Kathy clenched her fists, trying not to stomp her foot like a child. "I told him to stop calling me that."

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