We Were Born This Way: Who's There?

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Heidi's POV

Sitting next to the hot fire on my soft warm blankets, the fire roars next to me as I feel the burning sensation wash against my skin. Placing my pen next to my chin thinking, in my hand is a book but not just any book, it's a magic book with one of the most amazing adventures I've ever been on. This one is called 'What I Never Knew' where I was along side with Tiffany. Hmm how else can I end this? I take my pen down from my chin scribbling a little on the paper creating a shiny ink to travel across. I look up at all the books on the shelves shining speckles of magic dust as a lightbulb flickers in my head, I write 'The end' at the bottom of the paper but it can't possibly be the end. I add a simple ellipse and 'not for us anyway' as soon as I write these words they sparkle imprinting into the paper as I close the book. Getting up from my little sitting area I walk over to the not so long ladder climbing up to the top shelf finding a space for this book, I finally found a space next to the book Tiffany wrote 'Never Mess With A Writer'. I climb back down sighing as I sit back down next to the roaring fire. Haven't had an adventure in a long time sometimes I wish we could go back in time to when this all started, relive the memories or maybe make new ones. Opening up my hand seeing my pen in my palm, I smile remembering when I first got this but a single tear also fell from my left eye leaving a slight stain across my face as it falls into the fire, the fire roars stronger and louder which is very unusual.

Heading upstairs, I slowly walk into the bathroom looking into the mirror to notice a slight pink speckle in my eye, I'm not even in a book...am I? Fourth wall has been broken? When? I stare at the pink speckle grow and grow across my eyes fully changing the iris to pink. No no no no! This can't happen now! I run out of the bathroom not taking a single care hopping into bed shutting my eyes trying to sleep before anything bad happens. Tightly shutting my eyes even more. I'm sure I saw something glowing but what could it be at this time? Soon after I'm fast asleep and nothing could wake me...

Tiffany's POV

It's Wednesday night and the loud music is beating in my ears! The smell of the sweet party food and the rainbow bright lights shining down on the dance floor along with the disco ball. Friends around me dancing crazily attracting a few boys but I'm not much into all that stuff but I'm thinking more about the adventures I have been on. It's been ages since 'What I Never Knew' but we haven't done much. I stumble through the crowds of dancing people until I feel a hand grip my wrist.

"Tiffany, where are you going?" One girl says slightly drunk.

"I'm tired." I make up an excuse quickly

"How the hell are yo...what's that in your eyes?" The girl stops pointing with her index finger shaking from how drunk she actually is.

"What?" I say a little confused

"Your eyes are pink." She says a little louder

"Oh I uh I need to go!" I say getting off from her grip quickly running out of the party room.

"Why?" The girl moans as a boy takes her away dancing in the crowd

I pick up the end of my dress running down the street wiping the pink watery tears from trickling down my face, hopefully she doesn't remember this! I run quickly down the pavement finding my keys from my purse running to the door of my house unlocking it, I lock it back up as soon as I'm inside. The whole house is dark but I can make out the silhouettes of objects as I head up the stairs into the bathroom. I grab a towel washing my make-up from my face seeing the bright pink speckles in my eyes. Anyone could of seen this! Running into my room I strip out of my dress plopping into some much more comfortable pyjamas. It's strange how I'm feeling a creepy presence like something or someone is watching me, I do hope Heidi is okay. I climb into my bed trying to hide away from whatever is coming, how has a fourth wall broke? I'm not in a book but it's always possible for a writer to be sucked into one or maybe a character has escaped? I don't know. I close my eyes sleeping soundly but have the same thing on my mind as if someone is watching my every move...

During the night Tiffany and Heidi are both asleep and so is everyone else, their houses are both completely silent but not everything is how it seems, the presence is still surrounding the them but it's something much worse from previous adventures. This one has just started...

We Were Born This Way | What I Never Knew #2Where stories live. Discover now