We Were Born This Way: Why Do I Feel This Way?

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Tiffany's POV

I stare into Dark's cold lifeless crimson eyes as he glares into mine, he's angry I can tell but he would after what I did with him and Anti, I haven't seen them both in ages but I thought we cleared it up. Clearly not, why do I trust demons so much?

"Dark, what are you doing here?" I say just starting off with a question not to pull maximum speed on his temper.

"I would like to know why you killed my brother, you brother-killer! Dark gritted his teeth angrily making a fist with his right hand threatening to punch me.

"Dark, as you know I have a demon half. She's the one who killed Wilford not me and Wilford killed Heidi so why else would she not!" I say a little louder than expected but Dark only tuts at the thought backing up crossing his arms.

"He would've killed my best friend, he did I brought her back to life!" I say

"Yeah well why couldn't you bring back Wilford, huh?" Dark says, I could tell that there were tears ready to fall but Dark wouldn't dare show them infront of me.

"...I'm sorry." I pause taking a deep breath in as I speak those two words, Dark's anger changed to sorrow biting his gums inside his mouth walking out of the room before punching the wall.

"You know Tiffany, I thought you were good but I thought wrong. Wilford loved you!" Dark screams teleporting away. I felt the shackles loosen so I wriggle out of them.

Now I have mixed emotions, Wilford came into my dream but it ended as a nightmare. I wouldn't say that he deserved to die because I could of brought Heidi back to life anyway but Wilford, Wilford is awkward and very confusing and I know that everyone is turning against me because of my foolish choices. I'm sorry but maybe not sorry enough. I wriggle out of the loose shackles finding my way through the darkness to find a door, I peer through the crack of how much the door is open. IT'S HUGE! How am I going to find Heidi in this. I tiptoe out of the room into the hallway. There's warfstaches everywhere all over the walls surrounding a frame with a phot in of two young boys. I tiptoe over to the photo inspecting the children. One on the right has an 'annoyed' look crossing his arms, he has dark black hair pure black eyes with a hint of blood red iris' I look to the left of the little boy noticing he also has black hair but a quiff of it is pink. He's is also wearing a stripy blazer jacket and a very big top hat which is also covering up his eyes but I can make out that his eyes are deep black with a pink iris. Is this Dark and Wilford when they were kids? More emotions rush into my body but I move along noticing another photo up ahead.

I walked over to the slightly bigger photo to see Dark and Wilford in their teenage years, Dark had a slight blonde streak in his hair at the front but Wilford looked the same except they had an evil glint in their eyes. Dark looked happy though so did Wilford. Arms around each other, I wonder who took the photo? They hadn't changed much though. I moved onto the next photo to see Dark, Wilford and another person next to them at the end, his hair was a dark green and one of his eyes were replaced as a septic eye, straight away I knew this was Anti. So they all met as they grew older? I moved onto the next one which is Dark and Wilford holding knives with Mark in the middle, terrified. I'm guessing they captured the moment alright! Rubbish joke... The next photo was the last photo, I looked closely as it's Dark on his own with a gloomy expression. He looked as though he's been crying holding...WILFORD'S DEAD BODY!?

My eyes start to tear up, it's like their whole life has flashed in my eyes filling emotions in my heart and mind, I need to find Heidi! Footsteps... Quickly I ran behind a statue of Wilford, god I can't escape him! He loved me. He killed Heidi. Dark's brother. I'm a brother-killer. I scream falling to ground fainting hitting my head off the statue as the last thing I see are the two feet leaving a rather loud tut as my eyes close.

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